War It Shall Be

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Jay's POV:

I walk out of the stage room, the warmth of her skin against mine drawing Andrews closer to control than before. He's happy but I can't bring myself to be. I'm aware that we're still in enemy territory and I now know what's going on here, as does Gifford and Lomen, which makes us all targets now.

I need all of you to pack your things and get in your vehicles now! Every female is to buddy up with a male. If someone is missing from the group, report back to me. Do not let anyone know what you're doing. We are to leave as soon as possible.

With the pack alert, there shouldn't be much mishap. I know I'll have to explain to them why I called them to do so but I can't let them stay any longer knowing what I do and by the looks of my spy and my beta, I'd say they feel the same.

For some reason, I can't seem to feel her wolf anywhere which worries me. I'm not even sure if we're mates but every shifter should have a wolf. Every so often, she'll glance at me but there's a barrier to what she's thinking. Her eyes are shaking and her body trembling against mine. Does she know this isn't normal? How often has this happened to her? What the hell is her name?

"I wish you hadn't done that." A voice peeps from the shadows before stepping out to show the frizzy haired creep of a scientist that hurt the women in my arms. I feel the anger roar to life like a wildfire on a dry heated day, but I push it down and gently lay the beautiful women in my arms behind me. From my peripheral, I can see my man pushing the other girls behind them.  

"You were one of our Allies. We thought the Fertile Moon Pack to be a great and just pack. Guess we were wrong." I started, keeping my voice level.

"Well what people don't know won't kill them. Curiosity is what killed the cat afterall." Noah sung back, snapping his fingers. Not a second later, a group of men step out of the shadows surrounding the place.

"Eighteen, dear... I know I wasn't nice this morning. I'm sorry, I was just hurt at the idea of you leaving. Won't you come over here and all will be forgiven." Noah cooed, soft features lining his face. Unable to stop the growl that emitted from that action, I took a step back to guard her better.

"He's playing you." The warning was there, not to threaten her safety, but to warn her of what her choice will do. All these men will be dead in seconds if she moves.

"Mr. Noah, I was chosen. They paid for all of us. Why're you trying to take us back?" I could hear the hurt in her voice and stiffened when I realized she thought this was normal behavior. She thinks selling women is normal. She probably thinks being tortured is normal too. I look back, a sudden sadness squeezing my chest. She's sitting with her knees to her chest, pale as could be with tears in her eyes. Blood is starting to drench her shirt on her stomach, causing me to stiffen. What the fuck was that from? What exactly has she been through?

"Dear, they weren't supposed to be there. There are other men who still want you. You can still be chosen, just not by this man. Come here, dear. I won't hurt you. I'm sorry." He continued. I watched her while she watched him with uncertainty and guilt. Why is she guilty?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Noah. He chose me, I am to go with him. He paid, it's only right." She answered softly, almost angelically and I know everyone thought the same as they seemed to relax slightly too. Everyone except 'Mr. Noah'.

"Now that's enough. Get over here right now!" He hissed, his face red and vein popping out from his anger. My guess is most people don't act against him.

"Please don't be mad. I just don't see how this is right!" She whined, actually whined, and I felt that anger flare up once more. I took one last look at her to see her with tear filled eyes and shaking harder than before which pissed me off.

I let Andrews take control, moving forward to Noah to tear him a new one for trying to manipulate her and for all the wrongs he's ever done to her.

"W-wait! Mister, wait!" Warmth landed on my let, dragging my attention away from Noah and back to the little women on the ground, holding me with fear and uncertainty.

"You can't kill him!" She whispered, looking fearful before looking around.

I took a second to calm, before gently crouching and gripping her hand. 

"Why?" I hum, glaring at him from where we are. He had a shit eating smirk that I just wanted to beat off his very punchable face.

"Because he didn't do anything. He hasn't hurt you and if you attack, so will the men." She whispered, still trembling but looking at the girls. She's checking on the women. She's protecting the women.

"What does he have over you?" I questioned softly, glancing back at her with worried eyes before surveying around us for any movement. This could very quickly turn into a bloodbath. She says nothing but I can see the confusion on her face.

"What if I strike you a deal?" Noah sneered, looking from the crumbled women and back to me.

"What if I let you take all of them, but they return once a week for testing?" He hummed, a glint in his eyes. He probably thinks this is a good deal and that he's clever but he's far from wrong if he thinks for even a second that I'll let him touch her again.

"No. You either let us leave with what we paid for or a war will be started. It's your choice." He looked to consider this for a second before he muttered something and shifted. All the men in the clearing did the same. He chose war so war it shall be. 

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