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For as long as I can remember, I have held the belief that love was an illusion. The idea of spending my entire life with one person seemed suffocating to me. Instead, I preferred to focus on enjoying the moment and living life to the fullest. The thought of being tied down to one person for the rest of my days was frightening. I saw love as a constraint, something that limited my freedom.

In my eyes, we were put on this Earth to experience fun and enjoyment, not to be bound by the confines of a romantic relationship. The idea of waking up next to the same person every day was something that filled me with fear. I couldn't imagine being with someone for a long time, constantly having to compromise and sacrifice my desires for the sake of the relationship. Love, to me, was simply a facade, a mirage that people chased after in the hopes of finding fulfillment and meaning in their lives.

I chose to embrace my independence and live each day as it came, unencumbered by the rules of love. I reveled in the freedom that came with being single, free of the expectations and responsibilities that came with being in a committed relationship. I was content to wander through life on my terms, unencumbered by the need for companionship or assurance from another person. Love may have been a tantalizing opportunity for some, but for me, it was nothing more than a brief illusion that held no appeal. And so.

Well until... I never thought I would be the type of person who believed in love at first sight, but that all changed when I met that one special person. From the moment our eyes met, I felt a strange and unsettling feeling wash over me. At first, I tried to ignore it and push it to the back of my mind, but no matter how hard I tried, it just kept growing stronger, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

People around me started to notice the change in my behavior and tried to tell me that what I was experiencing was love. But I couldn't believe it. Love was something I had always thought was reserved for fairy tales and romance novels, not something that could happen to me. So, I denied it and pushed it away.

Every time I saw that person, my heart would race and I would feel like I was floating on a cloud. It was as if I was under some sort of spell, unable to control my own emotions. I felt like I was losing my mind, but at the same time, I couldn't help but hope that maybe, just maybe, this person felt the same way about me.

Despite my struggle, I couldn't deny the intense pull that this person had on me. Eventually, I found myself unable to resist any longer, and I decided to accept the feelings that had been growing inside of me. It was a scary and exciting moment, but deep down, I knew that it was the right choice.

Accepting the decision to let my guard down and open my heart to that special person was truly a transformative moment for me. It brought me a sense of joy and fulfillment that I had never experienced before. In that moment, I truly felt like the happiest person alive, as if all the pieces of my life had finally fallen into place.

Looking back on that decision now, I realize that it was one of the best choices I have ever made in my life. It allowed me to experience a depth of emotion and connection that I had never known was possible. In letting my walls down and allowing myself to truly love and be loved, I found happiness that was beyond words.

Of course, in all the excitement and bliss of that time, I didn't stop to consider the potential for heartbreak or disappointment. I was so caught up in the bliss of the moment that those thoughts never even crossed my mind. In hindsight, I see that perhaps I was a bit naive, but I have no regrets about taking that leap of faith.

Even when there were challenges or disagreements in the relationship, I never once regretted my decision to open my heart. The highs far outweighed the lows, and the love and connection shared between us were worth every moment of struggle. I am grateful for the experience and the lessons learned, and I will always cherish the memories of that time in my life.

As someone who never truly believed in love, I always found relief in living my life alone. However, as time passed by, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was missing. It felt as if there was a gaping hole in my heart that could only be filled by someone to love and be loved by.

Despite this sudden realization, I stayed hesitant to admit this emotion, fearing that it would leave me vulnerable and exposed. But eventually, I found the courage to love someone, even though it was a new and unfamiliar experience for me. And despite the uncertainty and doubts that plagued my mind, I never regretted my decision to open up my heart to this person, for it brought me a sense of fulfillment and joy that I had never known before.

A little girl came into the room and called for her mother. With a pout on her face, she said, "Mommy, Mama was telling me to eat, and I don't like it."

the mother pulled her close, stroking her cheeks, and said softly, "But you have to eat, baby, so that you can grow up."

But, their conversation was interrupted by the sudden burst of the door. A blonde-haired woman came in, looking very angry. "Kim Minji, come over here right now!" she said loudly, scolding the little girl for not finishing her meal.

Feeling that her wife had overreacted, the raven-haired woman smiled and nodded her head, implying that she would handle the situation. "Minji, look at me," she said softly, trying to soothe her daughter. The little girl looked up at her with teary eyes, and the blonde felt bad for making her daughter cry.

"How about I make you your favorite pasta tonight?" she said, hoping to cheer her up. The two mothers chuckled as the little girl nodded her head cutely, excited about the idea of eating her favorite food "But you'll have to apologize to Mama and finish your food first, and then I will make you the prize, okay?" the raven-haired woman said. She held out her pinky for the little girl, and they smiled as Minji pulled their pinkies together.

Minji ran downstairs to finish the rest of her food, excited about the delicious pasta that awaited her.

As their daughter left the room, the blonde woman turned to her wife and said, "You're spoiling her so much." The raven-haired woman just chuckled in response. She was sitting in her office, typing away on her computer when her wife approached her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Are you writing something?" the blonde woman asked, peering over her shoulder at the laptop screen.

The raven was holding a stack of papers while her wife looked at her curiously, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was written on them. The raven "You can't read unless I'm done" She snatches them away from her wife's grasp.

"But I wanna read," the blonde whines, pouting her lips in disappointment. The raven can't help but chuckle at her wife's adorable expression and leans in to give her a kiss.

"You're adorable but it's still a no" Despite her wife's attempts to hold on, the raven is stubborn and kicks her out of the room to continue working on the papers. Once her wife is gone, the raven sits down at her desk, opens her laptop, and begins to type.

"Let's get started with how we met," she says to herself as she begins to write.


Hello, I'm back with a new story!!!

I never planned to make this a winrina story in the first place but I felt like this suited them so I needed to make them the main ship of the story.

This is just the intro if you guys like it I will continue writing more chapters.

Don't forget to vote and comment kindly xoxo...

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