Chapter 3

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As a child, all I ever wanted was to feel loved and supported by my mother. I longed for the warmth and affection that comes from a parent's love. But my mother was always distant and cold towards me. She had set high expectations for me and always insisted that I follow her words and do what she told me to do. According to her, if I did as she said, my father would be proud of me.

I wanted to make my dad proud of me too. I did everything in my power to please Mother, hoping that it would lead to her loving me. But as hard as I tried, her approval stayed unreachable.

Growing up, I had no siblings, grandparents, or cousins to turn to for support. I was alone with my mother and her strict rules. Whenever I asked her about my family, she would dismiss my questions and tell me to focus on my studies instead.

Although I did everything my mother told me to do, she never once showed me any affection or concern. It was all for her reputation, and I was just a means to an end. Despite her hurtful words and actions, I never complained or rejected anything she told me. All I wanted was for her to love me.

Looking back, my childhood was far from bright. While other kids my age were playing outside and having fun, I was caged at home, studying all the time. My mother didn't let me have any friends, and I was never allowed to go to any parties or events.

I wanted my mother to act like a real mother and show me some understanding. But she never did. When I came back home from school, I always found an empty house waiting for me. My mother didn't make me lunch or pick me up from school. I had to walk back home alone every day.

At night, my mother never read me bedtime stories, tucked me in, or kissed me goodnight. She never expressed her love for me or said the words "I love you." Instead, she only ever told me to work hard and study well. It was a lonely and tough childhood, and I often found myself dreaming of the love and affection that my mother never gave me.

Jimin had just returned home safely from college and was looking forward to finally getting some rest. As she walked inside the house, she could feel the exhaustion weighing heavily on her, making her limbs feel heavier than usual. All she wanted was to head straight to her bed and let her body relax. But, as she was about to climb the stairs, a voice from the kitchen startled her.

Turning around, Jimin saw her mother walking towards her, holding a glass of wine. "You're back early," her mother said, eyeing her curiously.

Jimin shrugged, "They gave me the day off. I'm just really tired and I need some rest," she explained, hoping that her mother would understand and let her be.

But her mother's expression remained serious, and she raised a brow. "You know that's not an excuse," she said, her tone sharp. Jimin felt a pang of stress rise in her chest. She knew that her mother was not going to make things easy for her, even when she was this exhausted "Is this how you're going to manage my business?" her mother asked her, her voice laced with anger. "You're an irresponsible person. No matter how tired you get, you need to keep working."

Jimin felt her throat constricting as she tried to swallow her emotions. She just wanted to rest, but her mother was making it difficult for her "Okay," she whispered, looking down at the floor.

But her mother was not finished yet. "Look at me when I'm talking," she exclaimed, her voice becoming louder. Jimin had no choice but to raise her head and meet her mother's gaze.

Jimin's heart sank as she slowly looked up at her mother. Her eyes were glinting with tears, but she did her best to hold them back. She didn't want to give her mother any other reason to scold her for being weak. With a deep breath, Jimin spoke up. "I'm sorry, Mother. I know I made a mistake, but I promise I won't do it again." She paused, waiting for her mother's approval.

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