Chapter 16

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Minjeong, Aeri, and Ningning sat together, their eyes glued to the records spread out on the table in front of them. They were rifling through documents, photos, and videos, revealing the illegal activities yu somin(Jimin's mother) had been involved in "We got her," Aeri whispered, "She's been doing some seriously shitty stuff."

"Drug dealing, money laundering, kidnapping," Ningning said, her voice filled with disbelief. "How has she been getting away with this for so long?"

Minjeong was silent, as she continued flipping through the documents. Her mind was racing, trying to make sense of the size of Somin's crimes "We have to take her down," she said. "She can't get away with this any longer."

Aeri let out a scoff, her anger flaring "She also wants my sister to take over her dirty business?" she spat out, her voice furious. "That's sick."

"We have all the evidence we need," Ningning said, gesturing to the records on the table. "We just need to figure out how to bring her down without putting Jimin in danger."

Aeri thought for a moment, her mind racing. "We need to go to the police with these records," she said finally. "They'll be able to investigate and take her down once and for all."

While discussing how to bring somin down they heard something from the monitor. The girls froze, their eyes glued to the monitors as they watched somin and Jimin.

Somin walked into the room, a grim expression on her face. She had been checking Jimin's grades online, and her expression darkened when she saw the B+ on the test "I saw your grade on that test," she said, her voice sharp "B+? That's unacceptable."

Jimin froze, looking up at her mother with wide eyes "I'm sorry, mother," she said. "I really tried my best."

Somin's expression hardened at her daughter's apology. "Your best wasn't good enough," she said. "Do you know what happens when you don't meet your expected grades?"

Jimin swallowed hard, her heart sinking at her mother's words. She knew that this was a conversation she had to have countless times before, and it never ended well "What happens?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Somin stepped closer, she looked down at her daughter. "You know the consequences," she said, "Disappointment is not accepted in this household. And you know what that means for you."

The room fell silent, the girls watching They sawhow somin lift her arm and deliver a hard blow to Jimin's face.

Ningning gasped in shock, her hands covering her mouth. Aeri's eyes widened in anger, while Minjeong clenched her fists tightly, feeling helpless and angry.

Aeri and Ningning jumped in surprise as Minjeong suddenly pushed herself upright anger could be seen through her eyes "What are you doing?" Aeri exclaimed, grabbing hold of Minjeong's arm. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Jimin," Minjeong said, trying to shake free from Aeri's grip. "I can't just sit here and watch her get hit like that."

"No, you can't," Aeri said, her voice firm. "We can't risk blowing our cover. We need to have a plan before we do anything." Minjeong ignored Aeri's words, her mind set on reaching Jimin. She twisted her arm free and started towards the door.

"I don't care," she said. "I can't just sit here and do nothing while Jimin's being hurt." Aeri and Ningning exchanged a panicked look as they realized that Minjeong was not going to listen to them.

"Minjeong, wait!" Ningning called out, trying to stop her. But it was already too late and minjeong drove off "What are we going to do?" she said, her voice shaking. "Minjeong's going to get herself hurt."

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