Chapter 13

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As Minjeong turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, the silence of her apartment surrounded her. It was as quiet as when she had left. Quietly stepping into her room, she noticed Jimin still fast asleep on her bed. As she knelt next to her, a pang of pain shot through her knee, a reminder of the wound she had when she jumped.

Gazing at the peaceful figure of Jimin, Minjeong brushed aside her strands of hair. A pang of longing filled her as she thought, "I wish I could make you love me back, Jimin. It's tearing me apart," sighing softly. Suddenly, Jimin stirred and slowly opened her eyes. "Minjeong?" she murmured, wincing as she sat up and held her head.

"Hey, don't move too quickly," Minjeong gently took Jimin's shoulder and guided her back onto the bed. "You passed out suddenly, and I bet your head is hurting right now," she said as Jimin nodded in agreement.

There was a knock on the door, and Minjeong excused herself to answer it. "Wait here," she told Jimin before standing up and making her way to the front door, knowing exactly who was waiting on the other side.

Ningning walked into the apartment, holding a bag from the pharmacy. "I brought painkillers for Jimin, and I got you a bandage because that wound on your knee seemed serious," she said to Minjeong. As Minjeong looked down, she noticed a red stain and a rip in her pants. "How is Jimin?" Ningning asked.

"Her head is hurting, and that's understandable because of what happened," Minjeong sighed. "She's in the room," she gestured for Ningning to follow her. When Jimin saw Ningning, she looked at Minjeong, confused and looking for an explanation. "Jimin, that's Ning, my friend. I asked her to buy you pills, and she came to check on you," Minjeong explained, letting out a faint smile.

"Nice to meet you. I will just give you these and I will treat this clumsy kid's knee," Ning teased Minjeong. Jimin looked at Minjeong's knee, confused. She saw that it was indeed bleeding.

"Minjeong, what happened?" Jimin asked. She tried to get up from bed, but her head was hurting. She felt dizzy and lay down again.

Minjeong hurried over to Jimin and gently took hold of her arm. "I told you not to move," she said. "I'm fine," minjeong reassured her. "I fell while walking up the stairs. Ning is going to help treat it for me." she gestured to Ning.

Jimin took the pills that Ningning gave her and watched as Ningning told Minjeong to sit on the armchair while she knelt in front of her. She didn't know why, but she felt angry when Ningning brought her hand to Minjeong's pants and rolled it up slowly to see the wound.

She should be the one treating it because Minjeong had done a lot of things for her. She felt her face redden from anger when Ningning gently touched Minjeong's knee and wrapped the bandage around it. Why was she touching Minjeong like that? Are they close?

She didn't realize that she was crushing the water bottle in her hands until she was brought back to reality when Minjeong called her loudly, "Jimin!" She looked towards them, startled they were both looking at her.

When she glanced down, she noticed that her clothing was drenched with water. It turned out that in a moment of frustration, she had accidentally squeezed her water bottle too hard. "Woah, what happened?" Minjeong asked with concern, while Jimin felt a wave of embarrassment. "It's okay, your clothes from yesterday are dry. Wait here, I will get them for you," Minjeong reassured as she made her way to the bathroom to get the clothes. This left Ningning and Jimin alone with each other.

Jimin was taken aback when Ning suddenly burst into laughter. Jimin looked at her with a frown and ning said, "You know I can read your thoughts." Still chuckling, she added, "Don't worry, I won't ever touch your girlfriend again, even with permission, or I'll end up just like that water bottle." She glanced at the bottle and laughed.

"We're not dating," Jimin stuttered, her face turning red. Ning nodded, but before she could say anything else, Minjeong returned and noticed Jimin's flushed face, while Ning struggled to contain her laughter.

"I need to excuse myself I'm really tired after today," Ning said, winking at Minjeong as she referred to the day's activities. "I'll see you later, and it was nice to meet you, Jimin." With that, she walked out of the room, and they heard the front door closing behind her.

Minjeong handed over her clothes to Jimin, giving her the perfect opportunity to secretly attach a microphone to them. Jimin thanked her before excusing herself to the bathroom to change. After she finished, she emerged and asked Minjeong, "Can you drop me back home?" she asked playing with her fingers and minjeong nodded they could start with their plan Now if she dropped jimin back home.

She nodded silently, and they quietly made their way to the car. The air inside the car was tense as Jimin gazed out the window, lost in her thoughts, while Minjeong stole glances at her. Suddenly, their eyes met, and Jimin flashed a warm smile at her, causing Minjeong to blush and quickly avert her gaze.

As they reached Jimin's house, Minjeong parked the car a block away at Jimin's request. The time had come to say goodbye. "I guess this is goodbye for now," Minjeong said, her voice tinged with sadness. She wished she didn't have to say goodbye to Jimin just yet.

Jimin nodded and then surprised Minjeong by leaning in and giving her a warm hug. "Thank you for everything, Minjeong," Jimin said gratefully as they pulled back from the embrace.

and minjeong eyes widened when Jimin closed the small gap between them, her lips pressing gently against Minjeong's lips. Minjeong felt her pulse quicken at the unexpected gesture, her body tensing slightly. But as Jimin's tongue asked for access into her mouth, gently coaxing her lips open, minjeong found herself melting away responding to the kiss, her tongue meeting Jimin's as they deepened the kiss, each of them lost in the kiss.

After the intense kiss, Jimin and Minjeong finally pull away. They stare at each other for a moment, minjeong trying to process what just happened. Their breaths are coming in short, shallow gasps, and they're both flushed and panting from the kiss.

Then Jimin climbed out of the car, she turned to Minjeong with a smile. Without giving Minjeong a chance to respond or question her, Jimin bid her a quick goodbye and walked away, leaving Minjeong to sit in the car alone, wondering about what had just happened.

As Minjeong sat in her seat in the car, her mind was racing with emotions. She could still feel the lingering taste of Jimin's kiss on her lips. What did that kiss mean for their relationship? Minjeong sighed, and drove back home.


I finally graduated high school and I got a B+ on the Academic achievement test. I am really proud of it I worked really hard for it.

This chapter was written a while ago but I decided to post it now. Honestly, I forgot about it and I just remembered it.

The last chapter will be 20 since my ideas are running out lmao

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment kindly xoxo...

Author: hyunie

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