Chapter 5

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As Minjeong pushed open the doors to the rooftop, she immediately spotted Jimin standing by the railings, gazing out at the city. Jimin seemed to be lost in her thoughts, completely oblivious to Minjeong's appearance. Minjeong took a moment to admire the sight of Jimin's profile, She thought to herself, "After so many years, I finally get to see you again. I'll never lose you again."

As Jimin continued to stare out at the view, Minjeong quietly leaned against the door, still admiring her from afar. She couldn't help but think about Jimin's beauty her striking green eyes that she remembered from the first time they met. Her thoughts were interrupted when Jimin suddenly turned to her, looking surprised to see someone else on the rooftop.

Completely caught off guard, Minjeong coughed awkwardly, realizing that she had been caught staring at Jimin. Jimin then asked, "How long have you been here?" as Minjeong tried to collect herself and come up with a response.

"Not long" Minjeong walked closer to Jimin. "I wanted to call you earlier, but I didn't want to interrupt," she said. Standing next to Jimin, she gazed out at the city. "Why do you enjoy looking at the city?" she asked curiously.

Jimin took a deep breath before responding. After a few moments of thinking, she replied, "There's something about the chaos of the city that makes me feel alive. The energy and liveliness of the people and the constant movement are all so thrilling. It's like there's always something happening, and it's impossible to be bored. Even though it can be overwhelming at times, it's also very beautiful in its way." she looked at minjeong after responding "It makes me feel alive" As she spoke, Jimin looked at Minjeong with a small smile on her face, and Minjeong couldn't help but feel her heart flutter.

They fell into silence for a few minutes just Jimin admiring the city while minjeong secretly admired Jimin. She worked hard for this to see Jimin and meet her again and she needed to win Jimin's heart "Do you want to have coffee with me later?" minjeong broke the silence and asked.

They fell into a comfortable silence, with Jimin admiring the city and Minjeong secretly admiring Jimin. Minjeong had worked hard to see Jimin and meet her again, and she knew that she needed to win Jimin's heart. "Do you want to have coffee with me later?" Minjeong finally broke the silence and asked.

Jimin looked at her and sighed. "I have classes, and then I need to go home. My mother wants me there early," she said as she gathered her things and headed for the exit. Before leaving, she turned to Minjeong and added, "But I can make some time before going home if you want to wait for me, of course..." As Jimin trailed off, Minjeong's face lit up with a smile.

"I will wait for you," she said softly. "I always waited for you, Jimin. And I am still waiting..."


Minjeong was having a chat with her friends during class when the teacher walked in and asked for their attention. "Class, we have a new student. Please make her feel welcome," the teacher said, and a girl walked in. When Minjeong saw her for the first time, her mouth fell open. The girl was stunning, and Minjeong's heart skipped a beat. She had never felt like this before.

The girl's long, flowing raven hair fell down her back in silky waves, framing her small and soft face. Her big, round eyes, the color of emerald green, seemed to glow with a mesmerizing deepness that drew Minjeong in and held her captured. Minjeong found herself lost in those eyes, unable to look away from their mesmerizing beauty

Her nose, straight and pointed, added a touch of elegance to her already beautiful features, while her lips, were shaped like a perfect heart. As Minjeong's gaze lingered on those engaging lips, she couldn't help but notice the tiny mole at the corner, adding a touch of uniqueness to her already captivating appearance.

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