Chapter 11

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As Minjeong made sure that Jimin was fast asleep, she quickly dialed Aeri's number. The bartender picked up immediately, and Aeri's voice came through the phone, filled with concern and frustration. "Where were you? And why did you hang up?" Aeri yelled.

Minjeong whispered anxiously, making sure not to wake Jimin, "Something happened to Jimin."

Aeri sounded panicked as she asked, 'What do you mean something happened?' Minjeong began explaining the situation immediately.

"When I was on the phone with you, a woman entered the room, and I assume that she is Jimin's stepmother," Minjeong paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Shortly afterward, Jimin came out with tears and a cut on her lip. I asked her what happened, but she wouldn't respond," Minjeong explained.

Aeri's eyes widened as she said, "I'm going to destroy that woman," and Minjeong noticed the anger in Aeri's tone. Concerned, aeri asked, "How is Jimin?"

Minjeong assured Aeri that she had taken care of Jimin. 'She is fine. I warmed her up and treated her wound, and now she is sleeping,' she said.

'Good,' Aeri breathed out with relief. 'Minjeong, I need to meet you first thing in the morning. I have a plan to end this,' Aeri said, and Minjeong gulped nervously.

"Okay, I will be there," Minjeong said as they bid goodbye and hung up the call. Afterward, Minjeong buried her head in her palms, feeling sorry for Jimin, who seemed to be going through a lot.

She lay on the couch and tried to get some sleep. She was tired and needed some rest. As soon as she closed her eyes she felt herself drifting off to sleep.

She awoke suddenly to the sound of whimpers, feeling as though hours had passed. Glancing at her phone, she saw that it was two in the morning. The whimpers grew louder, and as she realized they were coming from Jimin, she quickly got up and went into the room. There, she found Jimin whimpering and tossing and turning.

Minjeong noticed Jimin's glistening forehead and heard her mumbling words. She hurried to her side and gently tried to wake her, but as soon as her hand touched her skin, she realized that she was burning up.

She shook Jimin to stir her awake, and she gasped for air as she opened her eyes and sat up. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it's me," Minjeong reassured her. Jimin glanced at her for a moment before breaking into sobs.

Minjeong embraced her in a warm hug, gently rubbing her back. "It's okay, let it all out," she whispered softly. She continued to comfort Jimin, feeling her eventually drift off to sleep. Carefully, she laid her down, making sure she was comfortable.

She tried to stand up to her feet, but Jimin had wrapped her arms around her waist, stopping her from moving. Minjeong could feel her cheeks flush as she made useless attempts to wake up Jimin, but eventually gave up and lay down beside her.

Her face burned more when she felt Jimin hug her even closer and bury her face in Minjeong's neck. Her warm breath sent shivers down Minjeong's spine. Minjeong's heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest as Jimin lay sleeping on top of her. After a few minutes, she got comfortable and found herself drifting off to sleep as well.


Jimin stirred from her sleep, feeling the warmth of something she was hugging. She hesitated to open her eyes, savoring the comfort of the moment. As her mind slowly awoke, she finally opened her eyes to find that she was hugging Minjeong.

Startled, Jimin sat up suddenly, causing Minjeong to wake up as well. Concerned, Minjeong asked, "Are you okay?" Jimin nodded slowly, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She watched as Minjeong sat up and stretched, her shirt lifting revealing her toned abs. Jimin couldn't help but steal a glance before quickly looking somewhere else in embarrassment.

As she watched Minjeong approaching, she began to step backward until she felt the wall against her back. Minjeong continued to move, and she nervously asked, "Minjeong, what are you doing?" She felt Minjeong's gentle touch on her neck and then her forehead.

"I'm checking your temperature because you were running a fever yesterday," Minjeong replied calmly. Jimin let out a sigh of relief. "You seem to be better now," Minjeong said with concern. "Are you feeling hungry?"

Jimin shook her head. "I need to go back home," she replied as she began to put on her shoes. However, Minjeong tried to convince her to stay.

"At least have some coffee to help you wake up," Minjeong insisted. After a moment of hesitation, Jimin nodded. Minjeong then gave Jimin some extra clothes to change into before heading to the kitchen to prepare coffee for both of them while she waited for Jimin.

As she was in the middle of making coffee, her phone suddenly buzzed in her pocket. She quickly took it out and answered, "Hello?"

"Minjeong," Aeri's voice came through the line, "You need to keep Jimin at your house today," she requested.

"Why? She already wants to go home" Minjeong questioned.

"Do not let her go back. Do something to make her stay for today only," Aeri said before ending the call, leaving Minjeong confused and standing in the kitchen, thinking about how she could keep Jimin for the day.

As Jimin walked from the room, freshly showered, she greeted minjeong with a warm "Hi," and Minjeong responded with a smile.

"Hey," minjeong replied, and she attempted to convince her to stay. "Why don't you stay for today, just in case your fever hasn't lowered?" She grabbed for any reason to convince her.

Jimin shook her head. "I feel fine, thanks to you," she said with a smile.

Minjeong nodded and replied, "It's fine. That's what friends do. Go sit in the living room, I will bring you your coffee" Jimin nodded and went to the living room. She had no idea how to make Jimin stay, but then an idea popped into her mind. She opened the drawers and saw her sleeping pills. She thanked God that she had put them there.

She carefully picked up a pill and opened it pouring the powder in and watching it dissolve into the coffee as she stirred. "Forgive me, Jimin. I had no choice," she whispered to herself. Nervously, she handed the coffee to Jimin and waited for her to take a sip. When Jimin finally did, she felt her heart sink, knowing that she had to follow through with her plan.

They talked for a while longer until Jimin got up to leave. "It's time for me to go," Jimin said, and Minjeong nodded, accompanying her to the door. "Thank you for taking care of me, Minjeong. I don't know how to repay you," Jimin said, to which Minjeong smiled warmly.

"I already told you, Jimin, that I care for you and would do anything for you," she said, watching as a faint red color rose from Jimin's neck to her cheeks, finding it adorable. "I will see you later?" she said, opening the door for Jimin.

Before Jimin could step outside, she felt a sudden heaviness in her head, causing her to lose her balance. She stumbled backward, but thankfully, Minjeong was there to catch her before she fell. "sleep well, Jimin," Minjeong said gently, watching as Jimin closed her eyes and drifted off. With a sigh, Minjeong carefully lifted Jimin and laid her down on the bed.



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