Chapter 1

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The first year of college can be quite nerve-wracking for anyone, and Jimin was no exception. As she parked her car in the college parking lot, she couldn't help but feel a little anxious. She wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans and took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "You got this, Jimin. You've been on your own all your life, you can do this," she muttered to herself as she got out of the car.

The cold breeze hit her as she made her way towards the entrance. As she walked inside, she noticed that many students were looking at her. Jimin was used to this, having been popular in high school because of her striking beauty. But, she never let it get to her head, and she had no interest in dating any of the guys who asked her out. Dating was not a priority for her, and her mother had always told her to focus on her studies instead.

Jimin had always been a studious child, driven by passion to do her studies and to make her parents proud. Her father had passed away when she was young, and she was sure he was watching over her from above, proud of her achievements. She had graduated from high school with honors, and now she was determined to keep her studious excellence in college as well.

Despite being popular in high school, Jimin did not have many friends. She knew that having friends would only distract her from her studies, and she was content being on her own.

As Jimin walked down the hallway, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly became aware of someone walking next to her. A student had appeared by her side, but she didn't look at him and decided to ignore him. "Hello," he said, trying to initiate a conversation. "My name is Jeno. What's yours?" Jimin remained silent, still not looking at him. "Are you not going to let me know your name?" Jeno asked, chuckling awkwardly while scratching his neck. Jimin started walking faster, hoping he would take the hint and leave her alone. But to her disappointment, he was still following her. "You're going in the wrong way at least let me help you," he pleaded. Jimin continued walking until she was met with a dead end. She turned her head and looked at him coldly, and Jeno felt a little scared by her stare. "Just tell me what's your class name. I'll take you, and I'll never talk to you again. How about that?" Jeno suggested.

Jimin replied keeping her tone cold "B7," and Jeno smiled, relieved that she had finally spoken to him. He led the way to the class, and Jimin followed him silently. As they reached the classroom, Jimin nodded at him before going inside, disappearing from his sight.

Jeno couldn't help but feel disappointed "She didn't even thank me nor smile or anything" He had liked Jimin from the moment she entered the college doors. Although students were scared to talk to her because of her fierce appearance, Jeno collected his courage and decided to talk to her. She was cold, but he was sure that he was going to make her like him, and he would change her.

A/N: yeah sure keep dreaming.

After the class ended, most of the students gathered their things and hurriedly left the classroom to grab a quick break before their next class. However, Jimin was still sitting in her seat, intently reading through the notes she had taken during the lecture. She had a half-hour break before her next class, so she decided to stay back and make the most of her time by reviewing her notes.

While she was reviewing, a voice interrupted her train of thought "Hey" It was Jeno. Startled by his sudden appearance, Jimin looked up at him briefly before returning to her notes. Jeno took this as a chance to try and talk to her again "You're missing break time," he said, hoping to start a conversation. Jimin simply looked back at her notes, not wanting to engage in any small talk. Jeno continued, "Look, I knew I said I wouldn't talk to you, but I just wanted to be—"

But before he could continue, Jimin stood up and gathered her things, leaving the classroom without even looking at him. Jeno chuckled to himself, realizing that he had been too pushy in his tries to befriend her.

Despite her behavior, Jeno still wanted to be friends with Jimin and decided that he would try harder in the future without being too nosy.

As she made her way down the empty hallway, Jimin noticed that most of the students were either in the restrooms or the library. Wanting to take a break and get some fresh air, she climbed the stairs and reached the rooftop. With only 15 minutes left until her next class, she knew she had to make it quick.

Stepping out onto the rooftop, she was immediately greeted by a rush of cool, crisp air. Making her way towards the railing, she took in the view of the city below and let out a sigh. It was the perfect spot to clear her mind and recharge before heading back to class.

As Jimin stood close to the railing looking down at the city below, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from her life. She had earned everything she had ever wanted top grades, a guaranteed job, and made her parents proud but she still felt unhappy. There was a restlessness inside of her, a craving for something more.

Suddenly, a voice broke her thoughts. "You're not going to jump, are you?" the voice asked gently. Jimin was startled, but she didn't turn around. She could feel the person approaching her, their footsteps getting closer "It's not worth it, you know," the person said, their voice laced with worry. Jimin recognized the smell of cigarettes and cringed. She didn't want to be near someone who smoked, especially now while she was thinking deeply about her own life.

She only stared at the city without replying, a she thought again About What was missing. What did she need to make her life more exciting? It was frustrating not knowing the answer.

They stood in silence for a brief moment, the only audible sounds being their breathing and the flickering of burning cigarettes. Jimin decided to cast a glance at the woman beside her and was taken aback. The woman had blonde hair, and striking blue eyes that captivated Jimin instantly. She wore black jeans, a white shirt, and a leather jacket. Jimin found the woman's profile to be the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

"Enjoying the view?" the blonde woman looked back at Jimin with a cocky smirk, causing Jimin to roll her eyes as turned her gaze back to the city, feeling her ears grow warm. The blonde woman chuckled at Jimin's reaction, then checked the time. "I'm late," she said as she tossed her cigarette on the ground and stumped on it with her foot. "If you're going to stay here, you might want to wear something warmer," she commented, removing her jacket and placing it on Jimin's shoulders and left.

This act led into sparking an unfamiliar flutter in Jimin's stomach making her turn around to check if the blonde was still around. However, the mysterious stranger was already disappearing into the distance, revealing a trail of tattoos on her arm that caught Jimin's eye.

With a sigh, Jimin removed the jacket and after a few moments, decided to head to class, knowing it would begin soon.


As the day came to an end, Jimin packed up her things and headed back home after her classes. While driving, she noticed a woman's jacket on the car seat next to her. it belonged to the blonde woman she had seen earlier. Jimin tried to look for her to return the jacket, but to her surprise, the woman was nowhere to be found. It was as if she had vanished into thin air.

When she reached home, Jimin got out of the car with the jacket and headed inside. She was greeted by silence as she opened the front door of her house. She was disappointed that her mother wasn't home, as she was hoping to have a chat with her. However, her mother was repeatedly absent, leaving Jimin to spend time alone.

As she walked towards the kitchen to make some food, she realized that the fridge was empty. Her mother had seemingly forgotten to buy groceries. Jimin couldn't help but feel a little sad that her mother didn't think of her. She decided against eating and went upstairs to get ready for the next day's lecture. Even though she hadn't eaten much in a few days, she thought it would be better to wait and eat breakfast the next day.

Jimin turned on the lights in her room and walked towards her bed. She threw herself on the bed, feeling the soft mattress beneath her. She didn't want to sit up, but she knew she had to study for tomorrow's class. She sat up and went to her desk, opened her books, and started studying. She spent a good 2 hours studying until she felt her head getting heavy. Although her stomach was grumbling, she ignored it and went to bed to catch some sleep for the next day.


Who do you think the blonde woman is?🤔

Sorry for The short chapter but I will try to make more long chapters in the future.

Don't forget to comment and vote kindly xoxo...

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