Chapter 4

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Fortunately for me, I found myself in a situation where I didn't have to face my mother for a few days at home. This was a relief for me, as my mother had always been a very strict figure in my life, one who never seemed to have any warmth or affection towards me. Despite being a grown woman, I found myself constantly desiring my mother's approval and following her every demand, I followed her words for years and did whatever she told me to do despite my desires.

Deep down, I dreamed of being able to make my own decisions and claim my freedom without fear of my mother's disapproval. However, the constant imposition of my mother's strict rules and expectations made it nearly impossible for me to break free from this. It was a hard situation for me, as on the one hand, I desperately wanted to please my mother and earn her love and affection, yet on the other hand, I couldn't shake off the feeling that her efforts were hopeless, as my mother seemed always cold and unconcerned towards me.

In this time of break from her mother's presence, I found myself wrestling with feelings of confusion and frustration. I realized that I needed to break free from the shackles of my mother's expectations and start making decisions for myself, even if it meant risking her mother's disapproval.

Saying it was much easier than doing it...

Jimin hadn't seen Minjeong since they last hung out, and it had been a few days. She thought that the blonde might be on the rooftop, but Jimin didn't have the time to go up there. She had upcoming projects and exams, and she needed to focus on them. So, she spent most of her time in the library, trying to get everything done.

This time, she remembered to eat. Every time she entered class, she found a sandwich and banana milk on her desk. And there was always a note that said: "Don't forget to eat and take care of yourself." It always brought a smile to her face that someone genuinely cared for her. Although Jeno had told her that it was him a few days ago, she couldn't stop wondering if it was him.

Speaking of Jeno, he hadn't been bothering Jimin as much as he used to, and Jimin was somehow relieved. That boy was pushy, and she didn't want him to distract her when she had so many better things to do than him. She was glad that she could finally focus on her studies without any distractions.

As she entered the classroom, she noticed a sandwich and banana milk waiting for her on her desk. It brought a small but genuine smile to her face, knowing that the person who left them there was considerate enough to think of her always every day. She quickly put them in her bag, planning to have them later.

A few moments later, the classroom began to fill up with students, and the teacher arrived, starting the lesson. The lecture was boring, and she found herself getting sleepy and hardly opening her eyes.

After the class ended, it was break time, and she decided to head to the library to study and have lunch. But, as she approached the library, a sudden thought crossed her mind. Why not go to the rooftop instead? She changed her direction and headed towards the stairs that led to the building's rooftop.

When she reached the top, she was a little disappointed to find no one else there. But it was okay It's not like she was waiting for someone and she didn't mind being alone. She found a spot on the floor to sit on, even if it was a little dirty. She could clean it up later.

As she opened her bag, she took out the sandwich and took a bite, taking in the taste. But something was different today. The sandwich tasted different, and the brand of banana milk was not the same as usual. She looked around, but there were no notes or messages today. She shrugged, assuming they had probably run out of time or were running late. She continued to eat while admiring the view of the city.

As Jimin was munching on her food, she heard the sound of the door behind her opening. She couldn't help but smile, knowing exactly who it was. But, her smile quickly faded as she turned around and saw Jeno walking towards her. "Good morning," he greeted her, but Jimin only nodded in response. Jeno noticed the sandwich in her hand and smiled. "I'm guessing you liked it," he said, to which Jimin simply shrugged. "I'm glad you enjoyed all the sandwiches I've made for you these past few days," Jeno added. Jimin couldn't help but wonder if it was him who had been making all those sandwiches for her.

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