Chapter 2

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Jimin woke up feeling extremely exhausted. Her body felt heavy and her head was pounding. She knew she needed more sleep, but she had to go to college. She stood up from her bed and felt dizzy, so she had to hold onto the wall for support. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed that she looked pale, and there were dark circles under her eyes. She leaned over the sink to splash some cold water on her face, hoping it would help her feel more awake.

After she finished getting ready, she went downstairs. She had promised herself she would eat breakfast, but she was running late, so she decided to grab something at college during lunchtime. She got into her car and drove towards the college. The drive was difficult because she was feeling dizzy, and her vision was blurry. Other drivers kept honking at her because she wasn't driving in a straight line. Jimin knew it wasn't a good idea to drive in her condition, but she felt like she didn't have a choice.

When she arrived at the college, she parked her car and leaned on the steering wheel for a few minutes to gather her strength. She regretted coming, but she was already there, so she had to continue with the day. She was longing for her bed, but she didn't want to miss classes because she was sick.

As she got out of her car, she grabbed the leather jacket and remembered that she needed to return it to the blonde girl who had given it to her. She also wanted to thank her for returning it. The blonde girl had caught her attention, and Jimin felt like she wanted to know more about her, but she couldn't afford to waste her time making friendships. Her mother had always told her that friendships were a waste of time because they would only turn their back on you and leave you suddenly.

Jimin walked towards the entrance and got in. Her thoughts were still dizzy, and she just wanted to go to class and then go back home. She didn't want to make any encounters with anyone, but Jeno approached her again. That boy had been getting on Jimin's nerves. "Good morning," he said brightly, and Jimin looked at him tiredly and continued walking. She was relieved that he didn't follow her. "I will see you at break time," he yelled from behind her, and she rolled her eyes and muttered a sarcastic "sure" to herself while walking away to class.

The day had been tough for Jimin. She was having a hard time focusing on her class. Her head was pounding, and she felt like every inch of her body was broken. Her head was spinning, and she found it increasingly difficult to keep her eyes open, she tried her best to stay awake.

As soon as the class ended, Jimin was the first to stand up. She made her way upstairs to the rooftop, her favorite spot in the entire building. She opened the door to the rooftop and breathed in the fresh air. It was exactly what she needed. She gazed at the breathtaking city view, feeling lost in the moment. but, she was soon startled by a voice that spoke next to her. She had been so distracted by the view that she hadn't even noticed someone had come up to the rooftop.

"It seems like you love being here," the blonde standing next to her said, smoking cigarettes again. Jimin couldn't help but get lost in the blonde's features again. "You should take a picture, it'd last longer," the blonde smirked, catching Jimin off guard. She then looked at Jimin, puffing smoke at her face, and her eyes slightly widened. "Woah, you look like shit," the blonde said as she took a closer look at Jimin's face.

It was the truth. Jimin looked like a zombie. She hadn't been getting enough sleep these past few days, and she wasn't eating much. "Thank you," Jimin replied sarcastically.

"You can talk," the blonde said, acting amazed. It annoyed Jimin a little. "Is that my jacket?" the blonde recognized the jacket that Jimin was holding, and she could see how Jimin looked at it, pulling it up and handing it to her. "It's okay, you can have it today. If you're cold, I am already wearing one," she offered, but Jimin ignored her words and smacked the jacket toward the blonde's chest, forcing her to take it. "Okay, I guess," the blonde muttered while taking it back.

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