Chapter 8

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Minjeong's heart raced as she was suddenly awoken by the feeling of ice-cold water drenching her. She gasped and opened her eyes to see her furious mother glaring at her. "Wake up, you've been sleeping for far too long!" Her mother's hand came down with a stinging slap on Minjeong's cheeks, causing her to quickly sit up.

"I'm up, I'm up," Minjeong surrendered, rubbing her eyes in confusion.

"Why do you smell like cigarettes?" her mother asked, her tone full of disappointment. Minjeong's heart sank as she froze in fear. "Minjeong, don't tell me..." her mother's words trailed off, but Minjeong knew what she was thinking. Without another word, her mother grabbed her slipper and began to chase Minjeong around the house.

Minjeong's heart raced as she ran, ducking her head whenever her mother threw the slipper. She knew she was in trouble for sneaking out to smoke again. "At least look for a job and don't be useless," her mother scolded between breaths as she chased after Minjeong.

"I'm not useless anymore," Minjeong yelled. She raised her hands in front of her face, ready to defend herself from any further attacks. "I got into Seoul University," she continued, lying to escape the situation she was in. She secretly wished that the bartender's offer was still on the table.

Her mother's expression changed from anger to surprise and then to joy. However, her smile quickly turned into a frown. "You better not be lying, Minjeong," she warned, her voice laced with seriousness. Minjeong nodded quickly, not wanting to upset her mother any further.  her mother pulled her Into a hug.

"It's true, I swear. I still have to go for the interview today," Minjeong added, feeling a twinge of guilt from half lying to her mother. Her mother pulled back from the hug and gently held Minjeong's face in her hands.

"I'm so proud of you," she said with tears in her eyes. Minjeong couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, knowing that her getting into Seoul University was not entirely truthful.

"You're gonna do great, I trust you hon'," she said with a smile. "Now go shower or I'll beat you, your smell stinks." Minjeong quickly ran to the bathroom. As she reached for the shower handle, she remembered something important. She needed to make a call.

Without wasting any time, she dialed the number and anxiously waited for a response. "Can we meet?" she blurted out, hoping the person on the other end would agree.


After taking a refreshing shower, she carefully selected her outfit and headed out to meet the bartender. As she made her way to the familiar sidewalk near the bar, she couldn't shake off the feeling of nervousness that had settled in.

entering the bar, she was surprised to find it almost empty, with only about four people present. Nervously biting her bottom lip, she walked over to the bar, took a seat on one of the empty stools, and waited. After about five minutes, she was startled by a voice behind her, asking, "Have you thought about the offer?"

Minjeong turned to face the bartender, who sat down beside her with a smirk. "I have made my decision," Minjeong announced her voice firm. "Tell me what I need to do to get into Seoul University."

The bartender's smirk widened as she grabbed a glass and poured herself a drink, taking a sip before responding. "I already called the university, and they agreed to accept you," she told Minjeong, who was stunned by the news "Don't look at me like that," the bartender continued. "I knew you were going to accept my offer."

The bartender smirked wider as she took another sip of her drink, watching Minjeong's stunned expression. "I knew you wouldn't say no," she said with a chuckle. "You looked like you needed this But you have to do exactly as I say," the bartender added, her voice taking on a serious tone. "Are you ready to do whatever it takes to get into Seoul University?"minjeong nodded nervously.

After the bartender explained everything, Minjeong saw how the bartender reached for her bag and took out a piece of paper. "I want you to sign this first," she said as she put the paper in front of Minjeong and grabbed it to read "If you sign this I will tell you the name of the girl that you'll keep your eyes on" minjeong read the paper and explained everything that she had to do.

She grasped the pen and carefully signed her name on the paper, causing the bartender to flash a knowing smile. "Her name is Yu Jimin," she announced. Minjeong's heart raced as she processed what she had just done. She couldn't believe she was about to betray her crush in this way. As she was lost in her thoughts, the bartender's sharp finger snap brought her back to reality. "Are you okay?" she asked. Minjeong nodded, but she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her.

"I can't reveal my relationship to her just yet, but if you do well, I'll reveal who Yu Jimin is to me," the bartender continued. Minjeong could only nod in response. She was caught in a whirlwind of clashing emotions, unsure whether to feel happy or sad. "Do you understand?" the bartender asked, and Minjeong nodded again. After their agreement, she excused herself, feeling like she was falling into a personal hell.

She desperately needed to talk to someone, and one person came to mind. She hesitated shortly before dialing the number and reaching out. "Ningning, can we meet?"


They found themselves standing on the rooftop, surrounded by an array of empty alcohol bottles. Ningning spoke "Wow," she was speechless at the situation of minjeong. "That's messed up," she commented, taking in Minjeong's situation.

"You were supposed to support me," Minjeong complained as she paced in circles, holding her head.

"I don't understand why you're not happy. Even in this messed up situation, you've reunited with your first love. How romantic," Ningning said sarcastically. Minjeong rolled her eyes and continued to whine "I'm serious, though. This is your chance to get closer to her. Maybe you two will end up happily married and have lots of sex and lots of kids. End of story," Ningning said, patting Minjeong's back in an attempt to comfort her.

Minjeong turned to Ningning, a concerned expression on her face. "Is that really what you think?" Minjeong asked, and Ningning nodded in response. "What if I fail to make her fall for me?" Minjeong asked hesitantly.

In response, Ningning leaned in and whispered in Minjeong's ear, sending chills of disgust down her spine. "Then I'll still be available," she said with a chuckle. "But I'm sure you'll succeed in making her fall for you." She then patted Minjeong's back reassuringly.

Minjeong sighed and smiled. She was grateful that she met Ning. Even though they had only met two days ago, she felt like she was already close to her.


Why does the mysterious bartender want some information about yu jimin?🤨

Don't forget to vote and comment kindly xoxo...

Ps: wish me luck i have Academic achievement test tomorrow 😓

Author: hyunie

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