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"Where is Clan Master Changpu?" Dongmei asked one of the Lan disciples outside the Grace Room.

"He is in the Room of Silence and will return in the afternoon." Dongmei turned around and started running out of the mansion courtyard. "Wait! You can't-" The rest of the disciple's words were lost in the wind. Dongmei sprinted up the mountain path, her white hair and dress streaming behind her. She ran past the Lan disciples guarding the gates to the Mansion of No Words, leaving them surprised and fumbling for their swords.

She burst into the Room of Silence, startling everyone in there as she hurriedly bowed before approaching the Clan Master. She threw the book on the low table in front of the Lan Clan Leader, the disciples around her getting to their feet, their hands on their swords. The Clan Master waved them away, picking up the book and frowning.

"How did you come to obtain this book?" He asked, "This is one of our most guarded books." he looked up at the princess, his eyes studying her face. Dongmei crossed her arms and started pacing.

"It was in the pile of books that I picked out for reading...up on martial arts. Either someone misplaced the book or someone came in and purposely placed it there for me to read." Dongmei stopped for emphasis, "The strange thing is that just this week, I met my cousin. The heir to the Siwang Clan of Baiyunji. Three days later, I stumbled upon this book, reading things that I should have been told of when I first arrived here. With all due respect, Clan Leader, I am the princess and I have a right to know of my past. One that, I don't remember much of." An older disciple stepped forward to speak, but the Clan Leader shook his head, sighing.

"Dongmei Gongzhu, before I say anything, I must know what you think about what you have just read." Clan Leader Changpu stood to face the princess.

"I think that the Lan Clan was wrong to hide this from me. I am confused as to why the Emperor, my father, married a Siwang without his knowledge. Please explain to me how that is possible. As well as the fact that I have power over life and death. How is this possible? How in all the nation is it possible for one person, one girl to have two powers?" Dongmei started pacing around the room.

Clan Leader Changpu stroked his bread thoughtfully. "To be honest, I was also extremely confused when I saw you that one day at the Golden Palace. 'A girl with both powers?' I had thought to myself. Never in the history of this nation has there been anyone, male or female, who had the power over death and life. When I reported this to the Emperor, I didn't think that he would harm you..." the Clan Leader sighed sadly.

"I am very glad that you allowed the young general to heal you and your choice to come to Lan Baiyun. And as long as I have breath in my lungs, I will train you and protect you at all costs, even teaching you the ancient ways if I have to." Dongmei stood there, agape but still smiling. Clan Leader Changpu smiled in return. The Lan disciples in the room looked back and forth between the princess and their Clan Leader in utter confusion. It was very rare to see the Clan Leader Lan ever smile, and the fact that a young princess made his lips lift was a miracle to the disciples.

Bowing, Dongmei left the Room of Silence, a trace of a smile still on her mouth as she walked down the mountain path to the Lan Mansion, where Rong was waiting for her, a raised eyebrow at her smile. "I'm assuming something good happened." Rong fell into step with her as they walked through the mansion courtyard.

"Yes." Dongmei smiled up at Rong, "Something good did happen." Rong couldn't help but smile back. It was nice to see the princess smile now and then, especially when it was rare to see her anywhere but in the library with a book in front of her. "Rong," The princess' looked a little more serious now, "Can you train with me? I've realized that I haven't been doing what I came to do...So, will you?"

"Of course. I'm at your service, Dongmei Gongzhu." he teased. Dongmei rolled her eyes and followed him out of the mansion courtyard to the practice arena. "Show me your stance." Dongmei held her hand tightly in her hands, still sheathed, and slid her feet apart slightly. "Unsheath your sword."

"No." Dongmei said stubbornly, "Come at me." Rong hesitated, but then, sprang forward. Dongmei pivoted on her foot, her white dress twirling around her, and hit his sword blade away. This happened for some time, Dongmei moving to the side and letting Rong's blade slide down hers to the ground, her sword still in its pearly white sheath.

Suddenly, Dongmei drew her sword and changed from defensive to offensive. She pushed Rong back with each attack, her sword a blur of silver. Rong pressed hard to keep up with her quick attacks, his brow beading with sweat. As quick as lightning, Dongmei hit the flat of her blade against his wrist, a sharp pain racing up Rong's arm, making him drop his sword. 

For three seconds, Rong stood shocked still before he came back to reality, attacking with kicks and punches. Dongmei blocked them with her forearm, having resheathed her sword to not hurt him. Dongmei grunted with every blow, suddenly passing under one of his punches and throwing him forward.

Rong hit the floor with a thud, getting up a moment later with an odd smile on his lips. "Wonderful. You're better than I thought." he grinned, picking up his sword and walking away.

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