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Dongmei held her breath for nearly half of the journey down the mountain, her heart pounding from fear. Not fear for herself, but fear for her newfound cousin and her family. Letting out a long breath, Dongmei steeled herself for what was to come.

The three young cultivators arrived at Baiyunji with the afternoon sun high in the sky. The village seemed quiet, although people were milling about the streets. It was almost as if the whole village was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. 

"Where to, Dongmei Gongzhu?" One of Dongmei's fighters asked. 

"I want two of my fighters out here on the roofs as scouters," Dongmei asked. Two fighters immediately stepped forward, bowing and disappearing on the roofs. "Everyone else is with me. When we get to the manor, I want all the healers to prepare for any wounded fighters that come in. Huang Xiuying will show you around and help you if it's necessary." The Lan disciples nodded, bowing as Dongmei turned around and joined Cheung, who was also leading his group toward the Siwang Manor.

"Cheung...where did Caihong go?" Dongmei inquired. Cheung smiled slightly.

"After she heard that you wouldn't go back to the Emperor, she came down here and was brought to live with Xiuying and her family. From what I heard, she's helping with the defenses against the incoming Siwang Army." Dongmei nodded. "She'll be happy to see you." Cheung smiled down at the young princess.

"And Rong? Where did he go?" Dongmei looked up.

"He and his group went to set up defenses around the village. He said he'll send a signal when he spots the army." Dongmei nodded again, walking up the stairs to the threshold of the Siwang Manor, knocking on the wooden double doors. They opened, Xiuying standing in front of them, smiling and bowing.

"I'm glad you came to help." She embraced Dongmei.

"Healers, this is Huang Xiuying, the young lady of this house. If you have any concerns or questions, ask her." the Lan healers, in unison, bowed to Xiuying. "Fighters, I want two of you stationed at the gate of this manor and the rest of you guarding the towers and gates of the village. If you require help, send up a signal."

"Shi!" all the Lan disciples bowed to the princess and hurried to the places they were called to. 

"And what of you, Princess?" Cheung questioned, looking at the pure-haired princess. She turned to Lan Cheung with a determined face. "I'm joining Rong at that gate." Smiling, Cheung nodded, bowing deeply to the princess. She bowed in return and quickly left the mansion courtyard, hurrying down the village streets.

At the north gate, she spotted Rong, dressed in his white and blue robe, pointing around while talking with a Lan disciple. Slowing down, Dongmei walked up to Rong, bowing to both of them, her sword clasped in front of her as she bowed from the waist. 

"I'm at your command," Dongmei told Rong, a surprised look passing over his face, replaced with a slight smirk.

"I get to command the princess of the nation....Interesting." He teased. When Dongmei glared at him, his playful facade dropped into seriousness. "I want you on the wall with the archers. You can shoot...yes?" Dongmei nodded, hurrying away, Rong still watching her even as she disappeared around the corner. Shaking his head with a soft laugh, he went back to discussing battle plans with the Lan disciple.


"Dongmei Gongzhu!" all the archers bowed and Dongmei waved them off.

"No need for all this formality," she said, slightly embarrassed. An archer hesitated before stepping forward.

"I beg your pardon, Princess, but you are the nation's princess. It's only right to show respect," he said firmly. Dongmei laughed nervously, glancing behind her.

"We are about to enter into a battle. Best not to let the enemy know that the Crown Princess is right here, yes?" she eyed all of them, every archer nodding and bowing. "Good. I'm glad you all understand." Turning, she accepted a quiver full of arrows as well as a bow before looking out from the battlements. The glint of armor could be spotted far off, and Dongmei stiffened. 

"Send word to the general that the army has been spotted at least 50 li off. Coming straight for the gate." an archer nodded and hurried off, many other archers notching an arrow and training the point towards the seen army. Dongmei leaned against the battlement wall, watching the army draw closer.

"Let's hope they're not as many as there seems..." Dongmei muttered, her eyes trained on the oncoming army.

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