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a/n: please excuse any mistakes, I've only been to the Alps once, and I'm not great at Geography.

| twelve | 

Anya stared at the woman before her, her wide eyes watching as her mother narrowed her own. "How is it, being the Alpha's mate?" She asked, the tone in her voice was chipped, causing Anya to flinch. 

"I-I've been trying to come home," She answered. "I wanted to see you, and Dad. I want to come home," She whispered. 

Lily was a cold woman, but whilst she was rough around the edges, she had always shown adoration for her only child. But that appeared to have changed. Anya had inherited her white hair, however she didn't have the same icy blue eyes that stared at her. Lily analysed her daughter, watching as Anya shuffled on one leg, most of her weight being supported by the crutches. Ignoring her daughter's wishes to come home, she asked, "What happened?" 

Anya flinched once more, she had been so caught up in the drama of the Winterstone Pack, she had forgotten just how brutal her mother could be. When she wanted to know something, she got her answers; it didn't matter what anyone else wanted. "I.. er... had an accident..." Lily's eyes narrowed even further at her daughter's lie. Bringing up her up, Lily had learnt Anya's habits, knowing when exactly when she was lying. 

"You know I don't tolerate liars," She sneered, Anya almost thanking the gods that her mother could not pass the boarder. 

Anya snapped back, "Fortunately, you do not control me any more." 

Her mother's eyes glared back at her. "Jesse is dead," She bit out, her voice as cold as her eyes. Anya nodded at her, Lily's frown deepening at Anya's lack of response. 

"I know," She finally said. A moment of silence passed, before Anya moved her body to sit on the ground. "How is Dad?" She asked, placing her crutches on the ground beside her. Lily watched her, before mimicking her actions. 

"He is angry and disappointed, but okay," Was Anya's answer. The air was thick, Anya feeling awkward as she pulled at the grass with her hands. "Does your mate know of your illness?" Lily asked, her cold demeanour appearing to shimmer away as she looked at her daughter. 

"Yes," Anya replied. "He's trying to look for a cure..." She trailed off, noticing the surprised look on her mother's face. 

"He is?" 

Anya's own eyes narrowed, "Why wouldn't he? He's not the one who has lied to me my whole life," She glared at Lily, who sighed. "Why didn't you tell me?!" She snapped, her mother's gaze meeting her own. 

"We didn't think you were going to shift," Lily spoke hesitantly. "Although I have a wolf, I am not connected to her; I am viewed as human by some of your kind. You did not show any signs of shifting. I didn't want to tell you for you to be disappointed later in life." 

Anya looked at her mother, noticing the tired look on her face. 

"Your father is so wrapped up in his pack business, I have no idea if he'll ever get over Jesse's death. He wants revenge on your mate," Lily looked down at the water, Anya following her gaze. "Your father wants war." 

Anya nodded. "I know," She replied. "I just want everything to be okay. Zeus-" 

"That is his name?" Lily interrupted, Anya nodding. 

"Zeus was only protecting me. Uncle Jesse attacked me," She spat, feeling angry. Lily watched her daughter as she pulled more grass from the ground. "Dad is overreacting." 

Lily sighed, "Jesse was his brother. Shouldn't he be allowed to mourn?" 

Furious, Anya stared at her mother with disgust, "He attacked me! What about my life!? Doesn't that matter to any of you people!?" She yelled, her voice echoing. Lily's face wiped of all emotion as she fidgeted, her eyes remaining on her daughter. "Everyone tells me what to do, what not to do! Why don't I matter!?" She screamed angrily, Lily flinching. 

Zeus [Book One] - RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now