you're my favourite thing

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note: I hope you guys don't mind me skipping to the end but I didn't want to just do all the same things I did in the other story and I didn't have any more pregnancy related ideas... I may go back at a later date and add more pregnancy chapters if I get ideas or if there is anything you guys would like to read but I hope you enjoy this one just now.

It's a little after 2am when she shakily makes her way from the bathroom through to the bedroom where Leah remains fast asleep, oblivious to just how much their entire lives are about to change. Taking a deep breath, she reaches down to gently shake the blonde who is curled up on her side.

'Le... I need you to get up.' She says softly as the blonde groans and rolls onto her back.

'Come back to bed, love.' Leah mumbles sleepily as she pats the space beside her on the bed.

'Le, I need you to get up so that we can change the bed and potentially head to the hospital... Either I just wet the bed or my waters have gone and honestly I'm thinking it's the latter. I think we're having babies today.' Lia says.

'W-What? Are you sure?' Leah asks, one eye opening to glance at the brunette who smiles as she watches the blonde adjust to the lighting coming from the bathroom where Lia has left the door slightly ajar.

'Pretty sure, love. I thought I was having Braxton Hicks earlier tonight when we first came to bed but now I'm beginning to think it might have actually been contractions.' Lia admits causing the blonde to immediately push herself into a sitting position.

'Right... Okay. Are you okay? What do you need? Shit, the carseats haven't been installed in the car yet.' Leah says swinging her legs out of the bed and standing up. Smiling, Lia immediately reaches out to grab hold of her hands.

'I'm okay. Contractions are manageable at the moment. We installed the carseats yesterday, remember? I just need you to calm down. We've spoke about this, we've planned for this and we are more than ready for this.' Lia replies softly as she pulls the blonde towards her. Smiling she wraps her arms around Lia and feels her slowly begin to relax into her arms.

'We're going to meet our babies soon.' Leah almost whispers as she presses a kiss to Lia's shoulder.

'Mm... Now the pressure really is on to pick names, isn't it?' Lia says causing the blonde to groan.

'There is just so much pressure being responsible for picking a name that someone is going to have for the rest of their life.' Leah replies as she pulls back slightly to look at her fiancée.

'I love you so much.' Leah says watching a smile appear on Lia's face.

'I love you too.' Lia replies.


'Have you told your mum yet? Or the girls actually?' Lia asks causing Leah to shake her head as she gently rubs her brunette's lower back.

'Nope. I've not told anyone yet actually... I figured I'll just tell my mum once they're here. Do you want me to phone your mum just now?' Leah asks watching as Lia shakes her head as she groans slightly.

'No, just keep doing what you're doing.' Lia replies smiling slightly.

'Have I told you lately how strong I think you are and just how grateful I am for you? You've gone through all those fertility treatments, all those medications, all the heartbreak from those transfers that didn't work out and now you've grown and carried our two beautiful babies for thirty-six weeks... You are incredible.' Leah says softly as she leans forward to press a kiss to Lia's shoulder.

'I would do it all over again... Every bit of it to get to this moment with you.' Lia replies quietly. They stand in silence for a few moments; Lia leaning heavily on the bed in front of her as Leah continues to gently massage her lower back in an attempt to ease the discomfort.

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