sick days

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'Babe... Are you awake?' Leah asks softly as she makes her way into the bedroom where Lia is curled up in bed with the duvet wrapped tightly around her body.

'Mm-hmm... I'm awake.' Lia replies sleeping, peeking her head out of the top of the duvet causing Leah to smile as she sits down on the edge of the bed.

'So I just got off the phone with Susan...' Leah says referring to their mortgage adviser and immediately causing Lia to perk up a bit.

'We got the house... They accepted our offer and it's ours. We've got some paperwork to do and stuff but they think we should get the keys in around eight weeks or so.' Leah adds causing Lia to gasp as she pushes herself into a sitting position.

'No... It's ours?' Lia asks and the blonde nods her head.

'As long as the paperwork goes through fine then it's all ours.' Leah replies smiling.

'That means we could be in and settled by the time they come.' Lia says softly, her hand resting on her stomach.

'I know... We can do a proper nursery for them.' Leah replies watching the smile appear on Lia's face. Wrapping her arms around the blonde, Lia can't stop the tears that fill her eyes as she rests her head on Leah's shoulder.

'Next summer we can just be sitting in our little garden with our babies and just- Ugh it's going to be perfect, Le.' Lia says softly as she feels Leah gently rubbing her back.

'It's the house that we're going to be bringing our babies home to... The house where it'll go from you, me and Coco to the five of us.' Leah replies. They made the decision to look for a house when Lia was around seven weeks pregnant because they wanted somewhere to call their own; Leah loves her apartment and Lia has certainly put her own stamp on it but it's not where they want to raise their children. They don't want to have to carry the pram up and down the stairs every time they're going out and they want a proper garden for their little family.

'Can we do some online shopping for babies today?' Lia asks pulling back to look at the blonde who smiles.

'If you're feeling up to it, babes.' Leah replies nodding her head.

'I feel a bit better... My throat and head don't hurt as much.' Lia admits.


'You feeling okay, love?' Lia asks glancing at Leah who is lying in bed, her head resting against Lia's hip as the Swiss sits up with the laptop on her thighs.

'Mm... I don't feel that great.' Leah admits shaking her head as Lia reaches down to place her hand against the blonde's forehead.

'You are feeling a bit warm, love. Why don't you go for a nap?' Lia suggests causing the blonde to shake her head.

'No, we're shopping for babies.' Leah says.

'We can shop for the babies later. You look a bit pale, you've started burning up... I think it's time for a nap. I could probably do with a nap as well?' Lia replies and the blonde nods her head.

'Okay then.' Leah replies causing the brunette to smile. Closing the laptop, she slides it across onto the bedside table before lying down. She wraps her arms around the blonde who groans slightly and pulls the covers further up her body.

'Get some sleep, love.' Lia says softly. She waits for the blonde's breathing to even out before she uses her free arm to reach for her phone on the bedside table.

From Beffy:
Hey, Wally! Just wanted to check in and see how you are you doing? Feeling any better? I messaged Le but she hasn't replied Xx

To Beffy:
Hey, I feel a bit better today. It's been a rough few days, I feel like all I've done is sleep... I think it's Le's turn now though. She looks ill, she's currently fast asleep xx

From Beffy:
Oh no, that'll be awful if you're getting over it and she's coming down with it now xx

To Beffy:
I know, I literally just convinced her to go for a sleep and hopefully she'll feel better when she wakes up xx


'How are you feeling, love?' Lia asks softly as she watches the blonde stretch her arms above her head.

'Like shit.' Leah admits with a small sigh.

'I've brought you up some painkillers and water.' Lia says causing the blonde to smile slightly.

'Thanks... I really thought I'd missed it.' Leah admits as the brunette sits on the edge of the bed and gently moves some hair away from her face.

'I guess it was inevitable, wasn't it? I mean you've been looking after me all week, we share a bed. What were the chances you weren't going to get it?' Lia says.

'I know... Where's Coco?' Leah asks glancing around the room.

'Your mum came to pick her up... I figured we weren't going to be able to take her on proper walks at the moment and your mum offered to take her for a few days.' Lia replies.

'Mm... Smart thinking.' Leah says closing her eyes again as her head rests back against the pillows.

'Why don't you try get some sleep? I can make us something for dinner later or we can order in... Whatever you fancy.' Lia says.

'Pizza.' Leah mumbles causing the brunette to smile.

'We can order in pizza later... I'm gonna go downstairs and do some work, okay? Shout me if you need anything.' Lia says causing the blonde to nod her head.


'My whole body hurts.' Leah admits as Lia places the empty pizza box on the bedside table.

'I know, love. I've let Jonas know you're not well and most likely won't be at training for the next few days.' Lia says as she fixes the covers so they're over both of them. She can't help but smile as Leah immediately gravitates towards her and tucks herself into her side.

'How's your throat?' Lia asks kissing the top of the blonde's head as she wraps her arm around her.

'My throat is fine. It's just my head and well I guess my entire body just aches.' Leah admits.

'We'll just keep you topped up with painkillers and hopefully it passes soon... I guess the good thing is we weren't ill at the same time so we can take care of each other.' Lia says softly.

'Mm... I should be taking care of you.' Leah almost whispers, her hand settling against Lia's stomach.

'I'm fine and babies are fine, Le... Let me take care of you.' Lia replies smiling.

'I love you.' Leah mumbles.

'I love you too.' Lia replies softly.

'Today started off so well... The house, you were feeling better and now it's just all went to shit.' Leah says.

'I know but a few days and it'll all be over. We can start planning the new house, start properly shopping for the babies.' Lia replies watching the blonde nod her head.

'Mm-hmm...' Leah mumbles. She throws her arm across Lia's waist as her head rests against her chest and she closes her eyes.

'Get some rest, love. I'll be right here when you wake up.' Lia says.

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