A Cry At Dawn's First Light

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Damn it I keep hearing a noise that sounds like a baby crying. I am in my dormitory room. Surely no one has a baby in the dorm rooms at goodness it's 3am. I stumble out of bed rubbing my eyes as I go to the bathroom thinking I was hearing things. This is my last month of college and my exams have been kicking my butt. I can't believe I am having dreams of a baby crying of all things. I hear it again and yelling outside my door ensues. I grab my shoes and put my sweatshirt on and my jeans and then my boots. I open the door and nearly trip over a big basket in front of my door. I hear the crying again coming from the basket and see movement under the large envelope with my name on it. I pick it up and then I see the movement underneath the cover and I pull it up and a baby is under it along with baby items. I had to slide the box inside my room. Apparently I am the only one awakened by the cries of this baby. I place the blanket on the floor and pick up the baby and check her over, she has all her fingers and toes but she's trying to chew her fingers off. I look at the bottles and they have milk in them. I heat the bottle up and feed the baby while checking for diapers and clothing. I finally get the baby fed and changed. I open the envelope up and my eyes get bigger and bigger as I read the documents. I think back to the paperwork that Felicity had me sign seven months ago before she had left school without saying why. I now know why.

Felicity Davis
I look at the baby as I am sliding the box down the hallway quietly and I leave her in the box with everything that she owns in this world. I have fed her and changed her along with spending my last dime on supplies to keep her fed and clean. I leave quickly and quietly from the dormitory and go back and leave the envelope with Anastasia's name on it. I know that Anastasia will take care of Angela. She really hurried through the documents trusting me they were what I said they were, I just left out that I was giving my daughter to her to raise. She had no idea that I was pregnant and I couldn't continue my education. The father of the baby signed away his legal rights. So he wasn't going to support us. I hear Angela cry as I leave in the elevator. I had no choice and Anastasia was the only person I could trust with Angela. She inherited a nice estate and her trust funds were enough that she could raise Angela without working.

Carrick Grey
I get a call from Anastasia Steele and apparently I had did some legal work for a friend of hers and she needs to talk to me about it. She gives me the name Felicity Davis. I hear a baby in the background and I tell her that she can bring her baby with her. I looked the file and I know who the mother of the baby is already. I told Felicity to handle this in my office, but apparently she decided to go against my recommendation and here we are.

I look at the 18 year old Anastasia Steele and the stroller and the big diaper bag that she is trying to carry and I help her with it. Good Lord the baby looks like she was just born in the last week. I look at the birth certificate and she definitely was born five days ago. Her birthday was May 31 of this year. I ask my PA to have one of the childcare providers to come up and watch the baby while I have a chat with Miss Steele. I explain things to Miss Steele and what would happen if she didn't want the baby. She reads the file on Felicity's family and then agrees to adopt the baby. I give her Grace's office number so she can have the baby looked over and set up appointments for her shots and follow up exams and the rest of it. Grace usually doesn't have patient openings but she took Angela as one for me, her husband. She's head of pediatrics and a pediatrician and a surgeon. So her schedule is full.

Dr. Grace Grey
Carrick pretty much had to beg me to take on the Steele baby as a new patient. I could not believe it when I saw Anastasia Steele bringing in the tiny baby that was almost bigger than she was. She was loaded for bear with everything imaginable for the baby. I figured she was 14 and I was wrong, but she is very young to have a baby this young. Again judging a book by its cover is a bad habit to get into. Sadly I did in this situation. I then read everything Miss Steele hands me. Apparently she was left the baby girl by a friend from college and she failed to read the fine print on the documents she was asked to sign and her friend left the baby outside her dorm room. She decided to adopt the baby after she heard about the mother's plight and the horrible family it might end up with, that were related to her friend. She didn't want that type of environment for Angela.

Things were hectic and I was given a good daycare center to take Angela to. I had three weeks left in the dorm so I kept the baby there with me and quiet for the most part. My exams were hectic and I passed all my courses and had a job offer waiting for me at a high tech communications company that had headhunted me. After sending them my scores and a photocopy of my degree and my transcripts I was was hired and had a bonus and an apartment with four bedrooms for some reason I was given an allowance for childcare and staff to live in the other bedrooms. I met them to interview them for the job and half needed to stop interviewing for the position. Howard Duncan was my security/driver and his wife Doris would be living here with him and she could keep Angela and do the cooking and cleaning, so I hired them both. They recommended a night shift nanny and manny. The Sawyers were new to Washington and served under mr Duncan in the black ops. They needed a job and a place to live as well. So I have four new staff members along with Angels. A month has passed and I am glad I hired the four of them, because my work is hectic and I found out that there are safe rooms and a high tech security system in the apartment and not to mention the bulletproof vehicle they sent to pick me up and for Howard to drive me back and forth to work,

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