A Sense Of Freedom

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I finally feel better since I made the deal with Roz for my company and a nice percentage for the patents it is currently using that belong to me by law. Plus the educational tools one that I implemented not long ago. Christian Grey is the owner of the company and apparently related to Dr Grey and Elliott Grey. I ran into Mia their sister not long ago and Carrick Grey is their father and dr Grey's husband. What a huge coincidence. Dr Grey said that Christian would take good care of my parents company. Now I work an 8 hour day and come home with Angela after she spends time in the daycare center, she loves it and the friends she has made. She's getting bigger every day and I know that she's getting her height from her parents. She will be taller than I am in a few years. She started out almost twenty two inches long. A thin baby and a happy baby girl. GEH sent invitations out to all their employees for a Christmas party and to bring our children to the early part of the party.

All us Grey family are greeting the guests along with upper management. The children can't take their eyes off the gifts and Santa Clause. I don't mind the party at all, but having to greet every guest because I am Christian's mother is getting old, he should have a wife to do this with him. I can think of a few young ladies who could handle it. I also know way too many that just want his money and name. Mia is getting bored  of greeting guests and wants to socialize with a few of the single ones. So Christian decided to turn her loose but reminded her that she needs to be discreet. I laughed because that's not something she knows how to be.

I see Anastasia Steele and Grace and I both know her, but I had no idea that she worked for Christian now because he bought her company. I wasn't really her attorney, I was Felicity Davis's attorney and helped complete the adoption of Angela for her. I am well aware that Felicity is still alive because she was at the courthouse for the Lincoln's trials. After that I don't know where she went to. Angela looks pretty good and Grace said that Anastasia takes great care of her and she is very advanced for her age. She could understand a lot more than most children her age.

I was looking forward to Christian finally meeting Miss Steele and I watched his reaction to her. I know he likes blue eyed brunettes, her daughter is in a stroller and watching everyone around her. She has apparently already visited Santa Clause and received her gift. She's playing with her stuffed animal. We went with a variety of stuffed toys this year, a nanny cam came with them and you can slide it in them or not. It's a whole set, not a cheap one. Barney thought it would be a good gift to give. I myself wished he hadn't been put in charge of the gifts this year. He is just too techno guy and not really up to snuff about children's gifts or anyone's gifts for that matter. I like him I really do but he needs to come down from mount technology and find out about the people around him. I just caught sight of Mia trying to hit on the poor man. He has outdone himself and really dressed to the nines. No one knew who he was at first and they were hitting on him big time. If I weren't batting for the other team and have a wife I would be all over him. Christian has seen Barney dressed like this before and let him dress nerdy so he could do his job without being bothered by flirting co workers. I can see why now, everyone would be calling for tech support help. He has been with GEH since he was 14 and he is head of the IT for all of GEH.

I am glad to see Anastasia and apparently she has brought a friend of hers, Kate Kavanagh. She met her because of an interview she did with her after college. I know Kate already for other reasons. She has been known to frequent bars even at 18. She has a fake ID. I made sure she got home safely several times. She wanted more from me, but I didn't think it was a good idea to take advantage of her in her condition, drunk. One time my date helped get her into my guest room bedroom. My date was not happy but she got over it and realized I was just protecting a friend. Kate and I are friends now and I know Ethan because he works with mom sometimes. So I look out for his baby sister. She is definitely starting to attract more men, she is no longer that skinny teenager girl. She has developed into full fledge woman at 21.

I grin at Elliott and Anastasia realizes that we know each other. She would be right about that. Even Christian and Mia know me. He has been a good friend to me even when he was on a date. I don't do any news reports on him and his family even though dad wants me to. Dad thinks I should use my connections to Elliott and Christian to get the goods on them, but he and I have a difference of opinion about this. He tried to cut my financial assistance for college off but mom told him that that wasn't happening after they put Ethan through college. He was told there were no conditions set for Ethan and none were being put in place for me. Glad mom stood up for me against my father.

I notice that Christian is watching us and I had no idea how nice looking he is in person. Photos don't do him justice, probably because they are taken very quickly as he is on the move.

I can't take my eyes off Anastasia and I now wished I had negotiated with her. Then again she might have been able to get a better deal than Roz gave her. I had no idea she had a child though. The child is quietly enjoying her stuffed toy.

We go to our seats and I finally meet Barney Miller the head of IT and then Mia Grey. He sits down with me to discuss a project we are working on. We need to have it done before the end of the year. Christian makes his way to our table and sits down next to me.

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