The Bridesmaids Fiasco

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I can't believe that I am having to have my cousins as my bridesmaids so they can get close to Christian. I am not going to let this happen. I can't see dad's nieces attracting anyone at all. Cheryl Kavanagh is very verbose and has to be the center of attention at all times. Alicia Kavanagh is a hand model and thinks she is all that. Her hands might be perfect, but her face is in a constant scowl. We all have to use caution around her hands. These two aren't even being invited to my wedding, I am the bride and they will take away the limelight from me. They already tried to change the bridesmaids dresses designs. Mom had a chat with dad and she told him they were not invited because they would ruin the wedding. They can go to Ethan's wedding if the bride lets them. They can join the reception if they wish. Christian and Barney are the best man and groomsman. Anastasia is my maid of honor and Mia is the bridesmaid. Everything is finally coming together. Elliott has been working hard to get all his projects completed and have his managers take over so we can have a month honeymoon. I like that idea.

My friends want to throw me a typical bachelor party. Kate gave me the okay if she can have a typical bachelorette party just like mine but with men. I know a few of her friends, Anastasia wouldn't plan a party like that, but Mia would and so would the rest of Kate's friends. Apparently she has been to one at the age of 18. Again with the fake ID. We flew out to Las Vegas on the GEH jets. It is all set up and the ladies are on one jet and the men on another one. Cheryl and Alicia horned their wary into the bachelorette party and a nice suite on my brother's dime. They somehow went through his PA because she was helping Mia set everything up. She had no idea that they were wanted at the wedding or the bachelorette party, they were only invited to the reception at Eamon's insistence.

Alicia and I get on the GEH jet and hide until they are in the air. Kate hasn't even noticed we are on board yet. We have a room at the same hotel, thanks to Christian's PA. I am glad that we listened in on conversations about the wedding. The whole flight was very noisy. I learned that the jets belonged to Christian Grey the guy we want to meet. He is on the jet with the other men. Alicia has thought of something, we should find out what rooms Elliott and Christian are in and show up at their door. I told her it might be better to show up at their bachelor party.

We were given our room cards and we took our luggage to them. Luckily we were on another floor so no one would see us. We decided to find an outfit and we decided to find out where the bachelor party was going to be held. We get dressed and cover up our outfits and head to the bachelor party. We were allowed in at the door and the music started and we were greeted by Elliott and his friends. I saw Christian standing at the bar and watching the scene. We were kept busy dancing when the real strippers arrived. We were asked to identify ourselves. Security was dressed casually so we had no idea they were in the room. The lights were turned up and Elliott recognized us as Kate's cousins immediately. We were escorted from the room and directed to Kate's bachelorette party and she was informed of what we had done. She made sure we had to stay at the bachelorette party until it was over. Security guards watched our every move she had two females go with us to the restroom.

It didn't surprise me that Cheryl and Alicia had pretended to be strippers to get into Elliott's bachelor party. They up to their usual no good as usual and I am sure they were trying to break up me and Elliott and try to get Christian for themselves as well. This has happened every time they find out I have a serious boyfriend, they want what I have and they cause trouble. That's why I don't want them near Elliott or Christian. I will need to warn Christian and Anastasia about their behavior. Mia has placed me in a chair for the first of the strippers. I had my cousins phones taken from them, Mia took all the other phones from our guests.

Mr Grey alerted me to the fact we had two unwanted guests and I had them taken to the bachelorette party for miss Kavanagh to deal with. I had a message sent to her by way of the security guards and I was told that she had it under control and that they would be guarded all night long and would be leaving with her group. They were going to get a lesson they would never forget. I worried for the two young ladies after that. I got a message saying that two of our guests were found naked in the pool. I told the hotel they were uninvited guests and had somehow gotten my bosses PA get them a room at the hotel room. I told them that they should be charged for their rooms and they are on their own in what the hotel wants to do about them.

I don't recall what happened at the party, but feel cold and people are staring at me. I realize I am in a swimming pool on a floating chair. Then I realize I am naked. I see Cheryl sitting naked on a similar floating chair sleeping away. There's a huge crowd taking videos. I get into the water and ask for a towel and where were my clothes? A staff member is frowning and demanding we get out of the pool immediately.

I have a murderous headache and the noise is hurting my head even worse. I hear Alicia telling me to wake the —— up and get into them pool. I see why she yelled at me so loudly and we swim to the guy with the towels and try to find our clothes and stuff and room cards. They had them at the lost and found. The hotel manager wanted to have a word with us. We ended up paying for our room by way of our father's credit card over the phone. He demanded that we get back the same way we came. We put on our clothing from the previous night. They were spray painted sluts everywhere. Nothing was stolen. We got back on the GEH jet with help from the security guards. They drove us home and we were told not to show up at the reception. None of our family were invited to the wedding or reception because of our behavior. All the posts were removed by Christian Grey and Kate working together with Barney Miller. We definitely owe them big time.

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