Covering Up

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I can't believe those photos are still out there, but this is what happens when you have crooks think because you are 18 years old that you don't know about your finances. The real issue was getting the money back and balancing my college with that along with trying to bring in money to support myself until the money was given back to me. It took me one week to figure out who took it and where they hid it. Sadly I had to get a forensic audit done to catch them red handed. I forced them to hand over all of my accounts and all the records. My attorney froze all the accounts at the CPA firm until they resolved my issue. They arrested all of the thieves, the owner was innocent, but he wasn't paying attention to his younger clients accounts. When I failed to get my money on the day it was always deposited I knew something was wrong. It deposited like clockwork previously. I was 18 not an idiot. Luckily the college was patient and let me defer the payments. All this happened shortly before Angela was left at my dorm door. The attorney worked quickly and discovered more evidence that the accountants who were stealing also stole from elderly clients as well. They had no clue that they were screwing with people that depended on those checks to arrive. I am having to go with Barney to a tech convention and Mia is joining us. Our childcare is being handled by our mannies and nannies. Security is very tight and we have security watching our children.

I didn't want to be left alone with my boys and needed to get away so I invited myself to the convention. We get rooms on the same floor so security can be between our rooms and on both sides. That way Barney and I can enjoy alone time at night. Kate told me not to worry about Anastasia and Barney working together because they are very trustworthy and wouldn't cross the line of being friends and colleagues. So far they have talked about things they are going to buy and people they need to talk to. They split up the second we enter the convention and I walk with Barney and soon Anastasia has had shipments made to a new office they bought with a lot of land. Barney asked me how I would feel about it and I was not happy with the idea, but he showed me the office and the huge work area that they are going to be in and they are hiring staff as well. Some are being hired at this convention. I am interviewing people as well and I read their backgrounds. One guy scared the hell out of me. My security was very close and got the guy away from me. I put his file in the brief case and place a post it on the file saying he is dangerous. My security went deeper and found out that he had a criminal record. They got the video from the cctv footage and arrested him. He was arrested because of warrants against him already.

Mia was very upset that she had a criminal trying to get a job with our company. It scared her out of interviewing anyone else. So Anastasia volunteered to do the interviews since she was able to contact the people we were trying to for weeks, she got everything we wanted and more of the products. So she was having security run further checks on the interviewees before they are allowed to come into the booth to be interviewed. She finally has two thirds of our staff and have gotten them for a third of what we had budgeted. They have not to be in Seattle within the month, they are very aware we are a startup company that has limited resources at this stage. Okay we have a billion each, but that is not for the company, we have capital that we have gotten from our patents and that is what we are using to pay to start the company and pay the salaries. We set aside our salaries and then we are going to get things set up for people with children as well. So those people will be hired from the Seattle area. We have hired an HR team and they are getting things going now. Elliott is working on the office building.

Things have gotten to me, so I head up to my room after telling Mia and Barney I am going to lay down and security follows me up to my room. I go back through all my paperwork again and fall asleep during the biggest document that needs to be looked at closer before we sign it. This one was trying to screw me thinking that I had no idea what I was doing. I refused to sign with him after he asked for Barney, Barney came over and looked at the document and told him that my decision was final because I was the boss in charge of this purchase. I smiled and told him I would get back to him with my decision before the end of the convention. I definitely will call him just before our flight takes off and inform him that his competitor offered it for a third of the price he did and it was from the same manufacturer T the same quality he had tried to sell me. Men underestimate woman all the time because they have huge egos and think the little woman only knows how to give birth and do housework. Well in this day and age we only need their sperm to become a mother. We can adopt as well. I dress like I can barely afford to be in New York. I guess Christian is in New York as well and he is having Barney and Mia join him for dinner. I wasn't invited and I didn't stick around like a third or fifth wheel as he had a date coming to meet Mia.

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