Padded Walls

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Mom and dad were devastated that I tried to kill Anastasia and nearly killed Angela in the process. Bodyguards grabbed the gun and me and I was taken to jail and I sat in the cell with six other women. Some look like they need booths and other look like a good dose of antibiotics is needed. Then there are the drunks and the women who look like they have been beaten badly. Soon my parents arrive and they can't get me bailed out. I am getting checked by the psychiatrist because they think I am a danger to society at large. They have my gun in evidence and dad has hired an attorney to handle my case. Dad explained that he and mom want to get me committed to a private sanatorium if the judge agrees to it.

Attorney David Whickham
I can't believe thatI am looking at Mia Grey from high school, it's a huge shock. I have to bury my feelings about her and what she did to me and my siblings back then and give her the best defense I can. I am sure she shouldn't be getting a slap on the wrist for her latest actions. She could have killed if it weren't for the body guards stopping her in time. Carrick is extending an olive branch to me and he knows that I am a brilliant attorney and he has been trying to offer me a partnership on his firm so he can retire. He knows that because of what Mia did and what she is capable of I can't work at his firm. I had to take this job because he offered me a fortune and we needed the money to pay our mortgage off. I throw myself into the case and we are able to have Mia transferred to the psychiatric hospital under guard. Her parents found a place that the judge has allowed my motion to have her committed to the place and under guard. Her parents are footing the bill, because her husband was able to get an uncontested divorce from her. It was better for her that we speed up the divorce process. Her children don't even know she is gone. Apparently Barney got a vasectomy because he didn't want any more children by Mia. She wasn't a good mother.

Judge Adam Anderson
I know the Grey family and I also know that they are not asking for any favors for Mia. So I don't think about the fact I know her and I know her well because this isn't her first time in front of me. What surprises me is David is her attorney after what she did to him and his siblings in high school. I am glad to see he achieved his dream and I hope the others did as well. She set him and his siblings up to take the fall of stealing a car from the auto body shop, when it was her and her friends that did it, but the evidence she set up was perfect. She paid people to cover up her and her friend's involvement and pin it on David and his siblings and went so far to park it in his parent's garage. She was 14 when she masterminded that operation. David and his siblings were suspended even though they were found innocent because they had no prints showing they were in the car at all. The police were not allowed to interrogate Mia and her friends regarding the events. I am not going to recuse myself from this trial because I want to see it to the end. So far she is in a padded cell and is getting psychiatric care and she is monitored 24/7 along with re-education of her thinking. Somewhere she has lost her moral compass and clarity of what the difference between right and wrong. Her psychiatric evaluation has shown her to have had a psychotic break. So far she seems normal but she isn't.

I can't even believe that she suddenly became psychotic when I demanded a divorce. I felt guilty but what hell she put me through since we have married is ridiculous that I put up with her antics for so long. Lily Johnson was always up in our business but her making a huge scene in front of Christian and his brother not to mention it was a billionaire dollar deal we nearly lost because of the lies she spewed out. I had to leave and settle things for good with Mia. Lily was told that what she was spewing were fantasies that Mia had imagined in her mind so she could get her way yet again. I was so sick of having to give in to her pettiness and I had the divorce papers written up, I got full custody and she can't see the children again. Lily was served with legal documents and if she spews Mia's lies again her trust fund is mine and Anastasia's.

After visiting Mia and discovering she is no longer the same person we raised. Barney suffered greatly at her hands and so did Anastasia. It also turns out that Mia said things to Angela and Alexander she shouldn't have because it was all lies that she created as a reality in her mind. She put it all on her internet sites for the world to see as well. Anastasia is suing her and Lily for damages because it damaged her reputation and caused her children trauma. Anastasia cleared it up by getting the DNA samples tested proving she was a very distant cousin and their father was not a good person at all. I am sure that Anastasia and Barney will win the law suits.

I can't believe that we didn't see the signs of her becoming psychotic. We lost a good son in law but he will always be family to us. Mia never spoke to us about any of the things she was worried about. If she had came to us we could have talked to her and noticed there was an issue with her mentally. Now she might never leave the psychiatric hospital again. Her doctors don't think she can stand trial. We have had to keep Lily Johnson from seeing her again because she nearly killed Lily because she thinks that Lily had caused the breakup of her marriage by confronting Barney.

The judge decided to keep Mia in the psychiatric hospital and she will have a trial if she gets better. It is a big if too. We discovered that this is a family issue and her mother is still in a psychiatric hospital. We had to fight to get those medical records.

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