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After everyone keeps thinking Angela and Alexander are my actual biological children I decide to have them tested to see if I might be their aunt or cousin. My parents had me late in life and changed their wills after I was born, of course their family members fought them on the changes. But they all died before my parents did.

The DNA showed that Felicity and I were sixth cousins. I was stunned they could use the children's DNA to figure that out. I studied it but I have never studied anything medical until now. Now I want to read the ancestry book that Felicity left for me and the children. I could have saved the money on the DNA testing. After reading it, she had no clue we were related, she did say the father of the children can't get them because he is serving a life sentence and she testified against him. Jack Hyde was behind numerous murders in Washington state and other states. He was a serial killer and it turns out he was behind all the murders at the haunted property that Elliott bought. I shake my head at the whole thing. The man also took all their assets from them including the property Elliott bought at a bargain price because it was haunted. Hyde hadn't paid the taxes on it at all. Christian, Elliott and I bid on several of Hyde's properties along with others. Relatives tried to buy them back, but they didn't have the money.

I was shown the DNA evidence by Anastasia and told never to discuss with anyone that she was lying about Felicity being their mother. She informed me that before I open my mouth I might get the facts or how about just freaking minding my own business from now on. I tried to apologize but she knew it wasn't a sincere apology and she wished Barney good luck with my jealousy because her and I Barney were just trying to make money and they thought of nothing else but providing for their families. She was pretty mad and she told me the next time she spread lies about her she was going to sue me for defamation. She walked out of our home and left. Barney was pretty mad at me because he found out about the chat and what I said recently about Angela and Alexander and that he was probably their father and Anastasia was their mother. He told me to retract my statement immediately and don't mention Anastasia ever again to anyone if I wanted to stay married to him. He was maddest about the fact that I didn't trust him all these years of marriage. I screwed up royally and over and over again.

I just happened to bump into Mia's friend and close confidant at a lunch meeting and she stormed over to my table and read me the riot act about me and Anastasia committing adulatory and having Angela and Alexander and pretending they were adopted by Anastasia. I told her that I didn't meet Angela until after she adopted Angela and we had never had sex ever, I also told her that security cameras were everywhere we were and could have caught it all long ago but there was nothing to catch us doing but working hard on projects. So I called off and headed home to have a very serious discussion with Mia. I have had enough of this crap. I had the children go with their caretakers and took Mia into his soundproofed office and told her to sit down. I pull out the divorce papers that I had drawn up for just this occasion. I hated doing this, but I am so fed up with her jealousy that I see no other choice but to dissolve our marriage. I tried to get her to see someone for her insecurities and jealousy but it fell on deaf ears and she refused to go to even couples therapy. I signed the divorce papers and I called the movers to move her into our other home we bought to allow her out of town friends came into town. It's time she move out, she wasn't even a good mother to our children. So I decided to keep them here with me. After all I carry most of the parental duties, from what I have discovered she has hardly been around our children. The things I found out after what she was doing to Anastasia I had her followed. No wonder her businesses are failing, she's not doing the work to keep it running and her head chefs called me about things that she let go. I promoted her head chef to the manager of all her companies and put him in charge of keeping it going. Mia failed to read the fine print of the contracts she signed when Anastasia turned her patent over to finance the businesses. It allowed me to take over her company if it was failing due to her negligence. Chef Janet Rose Lindner is now going to rescue the company and hire the staff she wants to. If she can turn it around in two years I will give her a portion of the business.

I am not believing that my friend ratted on me in such a public venue. She told me that she was just so angry about how Barney was treating me. So he has now given me divorce papers to look over and sign and won't listen to me. He reminded me of everything he gave up to appease my jealous and childish nature. He blasted me for saying something about Anastasia lying about her adopting her two children and that Barney was the father of them and it was a total fabrication. So he and Anastasia are going to sue me for defamation and win. He told me to go pack my bags and move into our guest home next to my parent's home. He told me to have my father explain all the documents to me and sign them after that. He told me that the children are staying at with him since I never see them any more.

A month later mediation has ended and I get visitation and I am being forced into going to a psychiatrist. I will get our guest home and he is taking my nearly bankrupt companies from me and I am having to hand the patent back to Anastasia. There is a restraining order against me that prevents me from going near Barney, Anastasia and her children, and finally Chef Lindner. Mom and dad had to have me committed to keep me from going to jail.

I had no idea how much Mia hated Anastasia until she went after her with a gun in her hand, luckily Christian had bodyguards watching Mia and Anastasia. Mia was able to get one shot off nearly hitting Angela and missed and scraped Anastasia head and put her in the ER.

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