Sometime Ago

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I am sitting here thinking that maybe I should explain why and stopped Christian before it got to that point, but I was just picturing that son of the attorney who took me out and he weaseled his way into my dorm room. I trusted him and let him go to the restroom after he picked up the book we spoke about at dinner. It was a huge mistake and I had to find another attorney for my parents estate, because the guys father believed him over me and he had been my parents attorney for years and knew me well. Sadly he didn't know his son had a history of date raping on the college campus. I was just sixteen and my parents had been killed and I had to get emancipated quickly. Well he took advantage of my being naive and I was able to knock his dumb ass out before he ripped my panties off me. So when Christian touched my breast I lost it. I don't think I am over what happened and what happened afterward. The cops took the report, but the security on campus tried to cover it up. So did attorney John Jacobs and he tried to hold up my trust funds if I didn't drop the charges against John Jr. I found a different attorney who went after them both along with the college for covering John Jr.s criminal acts. He and his friends taunted me for weeks. It was a good thing dad taught me how to defend myself. I would have been raped as it was I was assaulted to the point if nearly raping me. So I pick up the phone and call Ethan Kavanagh and make an appointment to talk to him about this and apologize to Christian and explain to him why I threw him out.

After Anastasia called me and explained everything I said it was okay and I understand. I would like a chance to make amends as well. I won't push for more than she is ready for. I ask her for lunch and work up to dinner when she is ready. Mom didn't know her history, but dad heard about the case against the Jacob boy and the law suit against his father and the college. Anastasia won a big lawsuit and John Jr. is behind bars for assault to a minor and attempting rape of a minor. Dad said that Kate Kavanagh wrote the story and that's how she met Anastasia Steele. John jr was guilty of numerous rapes and sexual assaults along with breaking into the girls dorm to try to hurt his victims so they wouldn't testify against him. The security officer at the college was fired and a woman was hired in his place. A few of John Jrs were arrested for stalking and harassing the victims.

Anastasia was shaking when I saw her after her date with Christian and I recommended she talk to Ethan because he is a psychiatrist and could help her or help get her someone who could help her. So she is now seeing Ethan and I don't get to know how she is doing unless she tells me herself. Ethan takes his patients confidentiality to the extreme because he could be sued. I do know things about Anastasia and I know how she got her daughter and who the parents were. I told her she should try again with Christian, because he is a good guy at heart. She said she has been trying to.

Christian was all shook up over Anastasia after she threw him out of her home and told him why. He wants to see if the attorney had prior knowledge of his son's criminal acts against the college girls and covered it up. So he has Jason send someone to get to the heart of everything. He is still investigating it and they have found more evidence and still finding more. Kate and I are in a committed relationship after she demanded to know what we were. I definitely don't want to give up sex, so I guess a committed relationship will do for now.

I can't believe that Barney actually proposed to me and meant it. I laughed until he pulled the ten carat pink diamond engagement ring out of the box. I started crying because it was beautiful, I said yes as long as we can have a long engagement. He agreed to it and said two years would be great for him. I agreed to the two years and started looking for wedding planners and venues. Wedding dress designers is already in my cell phone. Kate Kavanagh's mother designs wedding dresses and wedding attire. She also has her own clothing store and sells her own designs.

Mia is someone that I want in my life for good and I proposed to her and she got all nervous and I pulled out the ring and she said yes to marrying me as long as we can have a long engagement ring. I told her two years would be fine, knowing that it might take her that long to plan the wedding of the century. I have no family so my guests will be friends and co workers. That's probably 50 at best. I am betting she invites over 200 people to the wedding. She knows a lot of people. Mia wanted a ten carat pink diamond engagement ring so I went to mr Grey's jeweler and he knew the exact ring for Mia. He was waiting for the day when someone would come to him about the ring for Mia. He was well prepared for this because he even had it in her size. So I spent quite a bit of cash on the ring and left with it. The guy wished me good luck, he definitely has met Mia. I needed the luck because I have a woman who is unpredictable as hell.

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