Highland Technical

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I have gotten things straightened out at my company and the audits were completed and ten people were arrested and others were fired along with them. It was a total shakeup of the company, so I had to get people in those positions quickly. So I had my security team find the best possible people who they trusted and had a great backgrounds. Soon I am surrounded by the best and most experienced employees and they are combat ready. I now have three female bodyguards who do an eight hour shift each. The drivers are male for the most part, my cars are checked daily for bombs at this point. I am almost ready to sell my parents company and go back to designing and testing new things related to education along with new software that will help in the future. Running the company is going to be hard and I have had a lot of help so far. Angela is doing very good, but I sometimes miss the time with her. I bring her into my room at different times just to have her by me. It's a bad thing to do, but I know she enjoys being with me.

I have been watching Highland Technical and it had some thieves and they were put behind bars along with some major terminations. They were the ones who manufactured the educational tools we bought. Mom met the creator of the tools. That's how we found out about them. I looked into them and found they are being run by managers and the CEO is calling in her orders to them. I found by way of the employees who were fired after they were found slacking off on the job. We didn't hire them, but I had my HR people get more information. They didn't even see the owner of the company. I started digging into the owner and found out that it was the Steele's family. Of course that led me to Anastasia Steele, who is actually working for her own company as a technician. She doesn't seem to like being a CEO of her family's company. I think about making her an offer for her company. I have Roz look into what I could possibly pay for it.

After checking out the company Christian wanted me to look at, the least we could get the company for is thirty million dollars and I doubt the owner would go for that little bit of money since the company is growing. It's worth 150 million at this point. He thinks because the owner works by phone and has a technician job that she does like to run the company. I reach out to Miss Steele and she said that thirty million is not enough for the company and she is trying to build it into a bigger company and expand it into other countries. We renegotiated the price and she finally agreed to the price, but wanted to keep the patents and be paid to have exclusive use of them. She definitely knows how to negotiate it. So we have to pay her a ten percent fee for each of the products that make use of the patents. That would be 120 million plus another the ten percent charge. We ran the numbers and we also wanted to keep her on as a technician. We tried to get her to agree to give us any new patents she created at the company. That she didn't agree to, because she felt we might insist that she create a product and take the patent. She decided not to work on her private projects at the company any longer. She definitely knows how to negotiate and she read through the contracts and made changes in the wording. Soon we signed all the documents and transferred the buying price and then started checking on the items she had patents on. We closed down production to get the totals that we had already made and then started production up and started the process of calculating each item that we will have to pay in against the original productions. She will get 1.2 million dollars a year for what we produce using her patents. We will make seven times that amount each year.

I am so glad that I sold the company and remained employed as a technician. I make ninety thousand dollars a year in the position I am in. I bought a house and had a workshop created for my patents and made sure that it had major security features to prevent theft. Angela was happy to have the new play areas I had built for her. She was flirting with Elliott Grey when he arrived to check out the property for us. The staff were thrilled to have their own homes on the properties that I bought. I had gotten permits to build a security fence around the group of lots. It was amazing after it got done. Most of it was cosmetic and security upgrades all around.

I can't believe how young this girl was when I met her, she must be 8 years younger than me and adopted a daughter. I am sure her daughter Angela is flirting with me, she can't be more than three years old. I work on the play area very carefully and make all the safety features. I have been trying to get playgrounds and play areas safer for all different ages to play on. I worked hard on it and Miss Steele was willing to let us place one in her yard. Mom recommended me to her as a builder and for the play area. I think Angela fell in love with me because of the play area. I can't say that Anastasia is a good cook because she burnt the toast. But somehow she can cook other things like baby food for Angela. I watched as she cooked the baby food and she offered me a bowl and it was good.

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