The Misconception

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As I am waiting on the DNA test results on the men, I am waiting to find out if the children Devon gave birth to were my nephews. What was once my sister turned out to be no relation to me at all. This just makes me look like a scam artist.

It is just a coincidence that David and I look like Christian Grey, I finally found out the truth. Sara apparently married me thinking that I was his long lost relative. David and I are twins though and I had them recheck things behind Sara's back. I demanded a divorce from her immediately and left for my home because my COO used to in charge and I need to get back. I pack up say my goodbyes to the Grey family, they were very courteous to all of us. The triplets started to bond with. David and I so we gave them a group photo of all of us together. Sara wasn't wanted in the photos at all. They didn't like her at all, children and animals sense bad in people. David and I apologized to the Grey family and gave them our information and we left together on the airline that David worked for, it turns out he owns the airline. He didn't want Sara or I to know anything about him after she assumed he was just an employee at the airline.

I have just enough money to get a place to live when I arrived back home. The divorce was final in three months and he gave me a hundred thousand dollars to go away for good. I am not allowed to use the Lewis name any longer. I went back to my old job as a travel agent. Soon I have arranged a honeymoon trip for a couple who just got engaged. Gabriel Cross never uses a travel agent, it was like fate that I was the agent on duty the day his PA called. This could be interesting.

Roger went back to his home and I went back to mine, we are keeping in touch. We will keep in touch with the Grey family as well. Sara however was trying to use us to get some money from Christian Grey. She apparently tried to fix the lab results. She knew Devon had gotten pregnant by Christian Grey, but she hadn't found out that she died until just before the boys turned a year old. Roger made the right choice of getting a divorce from her, not sure he should have given her a hundred thousand dollars though, oh well it was in their prenuptial agreement. If they had made it one month longer she would have gotten more money and part of his company. He moved fast and it was final two days before the those other two things would become a reality.

I send a check to the labs that ran the tests. I go through the results and I feel good about what I did, the men were good people but Sara had dollar signs in her eyes and the triplets were scared of her. I got the real results back from the labs and I handled it in a way that she would never get close to the triplets, the babies or the men. I am vey sure that Roger and David knew that they were Christians brother anyway. Roger and David had already figured out what Sara was wanting and they wanted nothing to do with it, so unbeknownst to her they contacted me directly before they showed up at Christian's home. We couldn't let Sara try to get the triplets from their father. She was going to use the fact he was constantly traveling and working against him. He makes time for his sons and even takes them with him when can.

As a doctor I just know some things were handled behind the scenes to get rid of Sara. I couldn't get the background checks for her or Devon from any of the security teams. They told me they had everything under control and Christian and Carrick asked them to keep everything under wraps even from other family members. I will eventually find out what they are hiding from me. If Carrick and Christian are agreeing on this then they must be trying to protect the triplets.

Carrick has called me to assure I am safely back home. Of course I am and I am glad they put a team on me as well as Roger. We almost didn't make it out of Seattle. One lady tried to fly the friendly skies of Roger when he tried to use the lavatory. She saw me and targeted me after that. The air marshal had to handcuff her and she was arrested when we landed. It was a good thing I was fast otherwise I would have had mr big making an unwanted appearance in public. She sat down and her hands were on my zipper in seconds. I had to stop her and the steward called the air marshal to arrest her. Roger and I were moved to first class after that.

We signed the statements and I git back on the flight and David reported in to his office. It has been a very strange experience and I hope no one thinks I am Christian again. There is one thing I do and that is not going into things blindly and neither does David, so we found a way to get Christian's DNA and have it compared to ours. We both swore to keep it quiet for now. Sara would try to make money off a story regarding  all of us and David and I want nothing to do with the kind of attention that Christian gets from paparazzi and stalkers and we can't forget the kidnappers and threats of violence towards he and his family. We can live without all that nonsense. We now have coverts protecting us everywhere we go now because Sara couldn't leave sleeping dogs lie.

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