Fate Is A Comedian

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Anastasia and Angela have arrived to help me set up the birthday photo shoot for the twins and their first birthday party. We get things set up and assure no one can wander into the area we decided to use for our photos. Barney and Anastasia set up barrier alarms that tell us when anyone is near the birthday tent for the photos. It was a major event for us and we have invited everyone over and all kids are welcome. Security is very tight because after all we are the Grey family and threats are made all the time. Kidnappers have tried to get to all the new generation Grey children. I am no longer allowed to drive myself or our children anywhere. The number of security on all of us is amazing. Christian is not being overprotective at this point because there have been attempts and had we not had security in place the kidnappers would have succeeded. At first I felt it was an invasion of our privacy but now I am more cautious about our safety and security is always with us.
Today they are dressed casually but it is obvious to me who they are.

Kate has finally come to the conclusion that our security is a necessary part of our lives. Luckily for me that Christian pays these guys and gals salaries. It's tax deductible because they are employees and are needed for our safety. I am glad we finally got things set up for the birthday of the twins. Everything is being catered by Mia's restaurant and catering company. She even made the cakes and is starting a bakery out of the extra space at her restaurant. I checked out the cakes and they are cute and she created tiny cupcakes for little hands as well. Each child will have their own cupcake. The photos were done finally and they are great. All these kids are adorable and we have extra treats for them. Prizes for each of them trying to find the monkey on the drawings and silly age related games. We had other games for the older children who came with their families.

I can't seem to shake a couple of the single mothers and it bordering on harassment at this point. I see Angela and Anastasia and head over with the triplets following me with their mannies and security. I hope she can help me with my stalkers. As I walk up to her and Angela my boys run to Angela and Anastasia like they know them. They might who knows. Anastasia is cordial until she sees the stalkers and she tells them to go find another single father to harass because I am not interested. At first they refuse to listen but she calls my security over to remove the stalkers from around us. They were quietly asked to move to a different area of the party and to keep a distance from me and the triplets. I had no idea how much they wanted to be mrs Christian Grey until later. I hated the fact that they used their children to get close to me. Anastasia laughs as she watches the three women being escorted to another area of the party. Their children barely noticed what was happening because they were playing with the rest of the children.

I guess he still has women chasing him and apparently they don't mind if others know it. I am not chasing after him that is for sure, I just don't like the three that came over here. The children are well behaved but I believe it is because they are raised by staff, sone very good staff. I know them because they are friendly with my nannies and security team. Nothing like a gold digger who is caught by a detective  in the throes of passion with her gardener and her trainer and her security. Christian knows the whole long story. We talk about our latest project and when we will be releasing it when Barney walks up with Mia who is now six months along with her second pregnancy of multiples. At 25 I am far from ready to have my own child yet. I like having Angela around but I think I need to decide if I want to marry or just go to the sperm bank or adopt again. Angela is wanting a sibling and I have given it some thought. I look at Christian and his triplets and think that he has been a good father to them. I can't see many women wanting to risk having to carry triplets.

I watch as Christian and Anastasia are laughing and taking care of their children while envious women are looking on. Those women should stay away from my son. I know most of them and their husbands and ex husbands. Plus Carrick knows why they are divorced. He won't tell anything because he handled the divorce for the men. I have tried to get them in the same place for a while and have hopes they might get back. I was glad when her and Kate befriended each other and she was invited to things by Mia and Barney. I think Mia wants to get her married off so she doesn't hang around Barney as much. She finally realized that Barney and Anastasia were working hard on various parents and they were making money on everything they created and patented. Anastasia actually gifted her with a patent for her birthday. Something Mia has funded her new businesses with.

Christian and Anastasia are getting along very well and Barney and the kids are talking about the latest gadget they have designed just for special needs children. They are talking about the various ways they can market it and donate money to help with special needs services in Seattle for now. It's a test market for now. I am very proud of my husband and the things he has accomplished. I am definitely making money off the patent that Anastasia gave me for my birthday. I can say that it helped me get my businesses off the ground.

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