Sleepless In Seattle

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I found myself pouring coffee into the baby bottles. I am exhausted from all the crying sounds that they are making and I should really have not taken on taking care of triplets on my own, it is much harder than I thought it would be, making money is so much easier. Gail has been trying to help me and so has Jason and the security teams, but I want to try this on my own. I am led to my bedroom and put to sleep while mom has brought in some help and Gail is calling in the staff that I had stupidly told that I could handle triplets since I became a multi billionaire at such an early age. Again I'm so stupid. I fall onto the bed and mom covers me up and takes the baby monitors with her.

I go and get the babies diapers changed and soon people are swarming inside to get them dressed after washing them and dressing them. All three boys have a perfect aim and I caught them just in time before they got anyone in the face. It has been a while and of course Carrick is laughing at the chaos instead of helping. I throw the trash bin at him and tell him to dispose of the smelly diapers. Three unopened diaper genies are close by so someone decides to set them up by the changing tables. I looked at the mini fridge and then at the three bottle warmers all holding a bottle at this point. Soon all three boys are being fed by their mannies. Christian had hired both male and female staff to care for the triplets but the females were all over him and two of them beat up a third one and he fired them and sent the third one to the hospital and is making sure she gets the medical care she needs to recover and is paying her mortgage and all her bills. The other two are in jail awaiting trial, they won't be hired as any childcare giver after they get out. They put the third girl in a coma. She was a very nice young lady and was here to care for the boys and only the boys. I guess they tried to make her do all the work so they could get a shot at Christian. CCTV footage was being watched by security and they asked her about it and the other two heard the conversation and waited for her to shut her up. They had no idea they were being watched carefully and they were about to be fired anyway. Finally we have three people on 8 hour rotations with a total of 9 people and all were highly recommended for the job. Christian was so worn out he didn't realize what the two females were doing and not doing. They were trying to get him alone while the other one did all the work. A surprise visit to him and the triplets helped to change all of that. We worked very quickly to get things accomplished for him and the triplets. Now I am sitting with Gail, Carrick and Jason eating lunch that we had delivered. Gail finally had time to rest and order groceries to be delivered.

We leave after lunch and Grace tells Gail to call if anything else like this happens again. I shake my head knowing if Christian Gail and Jason hadn't been exhausted they could have solved this issue without any help from anyone. It was good that they had cctv footage and surveillance otherwise those two would have killed the third girl and then tried for each other. Right now the girl is in critical condition. The other two are in jail awaiting trial. They lied on their applications and had used others credentials and somehow got a computer person to assure their background checks could be pristine and they got what they paid for. Neither used the same person to cover it up. Barney and Anastasia found everything and now they are going through everyone's backgrounds.They found a glitch and they discovered a few employees at GEH that had similar issues with their background checks and called them in to the HR to get to the bottom of it all.

I told the two people who faked the background checks that they put newborn triplets in harms way and that if they do anything else like this I will assure they face criminal charges and I sent them the evidence that we compiled on them. Mia had visited the day everything happened at Christian's house. I looked at the background checks and we had numerous people going through them day and night, until Anastasia found something that eliminated 80% of them to be genuine. She spotted the glitch and pulled all of the backgrounds that had the glitches. We discovered that there were some that we needed to flag and not to dig into them any further. We got down to the 5% and those were terminated.

I finally got to sleep and spend time with Angela, I am glad we finally got things resolved on background checks and we found out a lot by going through everything. We still have some people that have the glitches and aren't who they say they are. We were also advised to let sleeping dogs lie in those cases, but we fired the 5% who were there for other reasons. We even found one embezzler in training. He was just discovered and was brought to HR to discuss his transferring a hundred thousand dollars into a new company account that doesn't exist. He failed to set up all the documentation on the company is why he was caught. The money was transferred back immediately. Christian has been worn out and we have been asked to handle things by Roz his COO and the CFO Louis Harvey. I can't imagine what it is like having to deal with triplets and having nannies become violent and beat one of them up because she was doing all the work and got fed up with the other two not doing their jobs. Poor girl is still in critical condition. Those two started all of this and hopefully the girl survives and those two face a lengthy sentence.

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