A Cold Hospital Room

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I hear and feel like there are people close by. I can't open my eyes or move. I smell perfume and I hear a soft voice that I recognize and force my eyes open, but the bright lights are painful. I hear my name being called and soft wrinkled hands touching my face. The lights were dimmed and I opened my eyes to see Doris. She's looking at me smiling and welcoming me back.

I ask the questions about Felicity and what happened to her. I'm her emergency contact somehow they got hold of me. Now that she's awake they are telling us both what happened to her. I listen and apparently she was one of the victims of the phantom rapist who has made a name for himself in the state of Washington. Not a god name though. He can't be located and there's no evidence to find him. I have to go back to the nursing home, but I assure her that no one will hurt her again. I get guards and have my attorney find her a safer place to live and decide it is time to make my move as well. A new building that assure a secure environment is selling apartments and I offer my nurse a job working for me privately and living there with Felicity and me. She agrees and I have my attorney get everything ready and within two weeks it is all set up for me and Felicity and we are moved into the apartment three floors below the penthouse that some hotshot billionaire bought from under me. He owned the building lol. Young whipper snapper. Frederick has no idea that I moved out of the place he put me in. He didn't want to look cheap so he placed me in a nice one and the attorney made sure that it was paid for directly out of my accounts. Frederick tried to get the cash sent to him but I wasn't having any of that. He has already tried to get money from the accountants at the company, but I made sure he couldn't get a dime. He showed me his true colors when he didn't use the money he was given for his college education on wine, women, men and drugs. My detective found out things. Things that he has done and paid to be done to others.

I look at the view from my new bedroom in a very exclusive apartment building. Of course they can't find my rapist. Apparently it's someone that has been raping throughout Washington state area so far. The cops said that there were numerous cases that were exactly like mine and similar to my previous rape with one exception, the exception was the drug used. They have no leads because the drug can be gotten easily. So he will get away with it again and again. Hopefully he will make a mistake and get caught.

Linda Stewart Nurse Practitioner
I took the job with Doris because she offered me a lot of money and I am getting benefits through her company. The salary and living arrangements were amazing. Plus there will be staff to cook and clean and security to assure our safety at all times. My room is next to Doris's room and a call button was installed in all the rooms. A security office is being monitored 24/7 and they can do the heavy lifting if needed. That will save my back and I am happy about that. We transferred to a new doctor who doesn't work for the retirement home. I heard that a young single billionaire lives here. Probably some nerdy geek who only his family could love.

We were given freedom and the money to decorate our rooms as we wish no limitations on the amount. A library and office and a beautiful layout. A game room, an entertainment center and theater room. A tv room with a big pit sofa with built in surround speaker system. The gym was great for physical therapy. Then the gym on the main floor, it was next to the buildings office and security lobby. A heated indoor pool, showers, hot tubs saunas and nail and manicure was set up within the hair salon for both sexes. That I will love. Tips were always appreciated. This was part of the perks of living in this building. But it is first come first serve unless you have an appointment. I set up appointments for all three of us. Doris could use a salon day and so could Felicity and I. Escala really is a great place to live, I have seen all different people arriving in the building. The private elevator is only for the penthouse and the two floors below it.

I am loving this place we have the whole floor and love it. I spent a lot for it and am leaving to Felicity and Linda. Both have went above and beyond duty in regard to my care. Things seem to be going well for us and we enjoy the amenities offered by the building services. I have bought three vehicles one with a wheelchair ramp and medical supplies, the others are cars for Linda and Felicity. Security and the housekeeper has their own vehicles. My bodyguard and driver use the vehicles I bought for them. They went to buy all the cars at a special dealership.

The home I bought was finally ready and I moved out of the temporary apartment in Escala on the ground level. It was a month to month because no one wanted to buy it because of the fact it was on the ground floor and traffic was heavy. The paparazzi are always looking for dirt on the poor guy in the penthouse. I avoid them at all costs. They don't need to know who I am, I was bombarded by questions when my parents were killed. I had to get bodyguards and was ready for them, but they stopped bothering me because of the bodyguards. I was finally able to get through my tests and my graduation, that no family was there for me. I started college courses at 12 years of age and got my high school diploma at 14. We made due with the ground floor apartment and now we are living in the nice home on the sound. The nursery is as big as the master bedroom. The staff each has their own home and they have been involved in building it. The place was basically just overgrown land. Gia Matteo apparently thought that I was someone she could hit in because what she wore was too revealing and I pointed out to her that I was not into females and I didn't have a husband for her to seduce either. She came in less provocative attire from that point on. I swear I think she had a boob job, because her nipples stayed erect all during our meeting. Angela cried every time she saw miss Matteo. We finally got through everything and now we are all settled in and the staff have moved in as well. I bought cars for all of them so they have transportation at all times.

Carmine Louis
I was hired as the bodyguard for Miss Steele and she hired a driver as well. Dawn Miller can drive a car like no body's business. She is highly trained in defensive driving and protected chiefs of staff. I am head I& her security so I hired several men to prevent a sex discrimination suit against Miss Steele. A male cook and housekeeper and two mannies and one nanny. We ran back ground checks on all of them.

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