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Things with Kate and I are going badly as she has been hanging out with her friends and not getting home until dawn and she's drunk. I have tried to find out what is going on with her but she is not willing to talk to me. We were trying to get pregnant but with those hormone shots she was so moody and everything made her angry and I stopped even trying to have sex with her at all. She had to stop them because her eyes became blurry. So she started going out with her friends to drown her sorrows. I am trying to get her to see a shrink and she isn't willing to. We have been fighting about her drinking a lot.

I am finally making an appointment to talk about what I am going through and my drinking. I have stopped going out drinking with my friends and I am trying to make things up to Elliott but I am not sure he wants to hear my apologies at all. He moved to his penthouse and has stopped answering my calls. I don't want to lose him because I really love him, but my not being able to have a baby is upsetting since his brother and sister have children and we don't and we have tried everything. I am thinking if we ever should have gotten married at all. While out running around I bump into Anastasia Steele with her little girl Angela that she adopted at 18 years old. A friend dumped the child in front of her dorm room and took off and was never around after she did that. Anastasia chose to adopt her and give her a home. At first I was going to avoid her because we never got along with each other, but I decided to stop thinking that I was too good to talk to her and talk to her. She looks happy even though she only has Angela.

When I saw Kate turn and go in the other direction I was glad, but then she turned around and approached us and actually said hello to Angela and me. I introduced Angela to Kate and Kate actually invited us to lunch her treat. We found a child friendly place and I saw the sadness in her eyes as she watched all the parents giving love to their children and getting it back. She finally starts tearing up and I hand her a packet of soft Kleenexes to wipe her tears. Rumors get around sometimes and sadly it was from her own friends that she was having trouble getting pregnant and she finally gave up and started drinking so often she needed to go to therapy and AA. I don't even listen to those idiot friends of hers. A few would like to get a shot at Elliott. I think they have tried after he moved into their penthouse. He threw them out because they were enabling her getting drunk regularly. With friends like those who needs enemies. I told her to adopt and to get Elliott back home and get him to go to therapy sessions so they can talk everything out. Angela is ready to leave because the other children she was playing with have left. I give Kate my number and tell her to call if she wants to just chill with Angela and me.

I finally have been able to sit and talk to someone and they are not judging me or trying to have me divorced from Elliott. I don't want to be divorced. I call Elliott and have him meet me to talk things over and he agrees to meet me as long as we don't argue. Plus absolutely no alcohol for either of us. I came close to becoming a full blown alcoholic.

Kate looks like she hasn't eaten or slept well since I left her. I can say the same is true for me. We finally start talking and agree to have couples therapy and individual sessions as well. Finally we have gotten somewhere without yelling at each other and she has stopped drinking completely and I am not drinking either. She no longer sees those friends of hers and three weeks ago I moved back into our home and we have looked into adoption and decided to sign the documents to get on the list to adopt a child. The questions were very invasive but we tell the truth about everything. Kate was honest about her drinking and they were very happy to see we are being very open and they have placed us on the list since she really didn't become a full fledged alcoholic. We passed all the inspections and surprise visits.

Kate is finally doing better and she and Elliott have mended their marriage before her trampy friends tried to destroy her marriage. I warned her about them and she finally listened and cut all ties with them before they were able to seduce Elliott. I had a talk with Elliott and he told me her friends that were helping her get into drunken stupors seemed to be visiting him at the penthouse to console him. I told him to watch his back, well his zipper actually because those friends are just waiting for a chance to marry him for his money and not for love like Kate did.

I went by to check on Elliott and found one of Kate's friends sitting on his sofa making herself way too at home for my taste. He had no idea she hadn't left the penthouse after he had sent her on her way. He was in the shower and came out in a business suit for a dinner with one of his clients. He chased her out of the penthouse immediately and threw her bra and panties in her face as her pushed her into the hallway. She left her other things so he threw them out as well. I decided to join him at the meeting with a new client after finding out who it was. Better keep the wolves at bay.

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