chapter 3: George Rurl

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I didn't want to be part of my father's game. Figuring what I have made brothers become I'm assuming I should accept his annoying wish for me to get married. I woke up this morning thinking I'll probably kidnap myself. I mean that's why I ran off with my father's bike this night. But when I bumped into the girl on the street, everything changed. Now more than ever I want to get married and it will definetly be her. The girl with the red eyes I kissed.

All the contestants have finally arrived except her. Usually girls arrive way earlier only to see us. Maybe she is recovering after the little incident I like her already.

'Evening your majesty'

I turn and I notice this is the girl I tried to avoid because she was stalking me.

'I was looking for you everywhere you told me you were going to get me a glass of champagne'

'Do forgive me my lady it must have slipped my mind'

'The whole royal family is waiting for us shall we go together?'

'I would love that but I fortunately I'm waiting for a friend'

She grunts and thankfully grants me the peace I was waiting for. She also gives me the chance to witness a beauty so divine to depart her ride and be escourted by one of our guards. I ran to where they are.

'I can take it from here.'

The guard bows and leaves us alone.


'You must be the pretty girl I kissed'

'Shit,' she says covering her mouth obviously embarrassed with what she said.

'Who are you?'

'I'm your soulmate from 129 years ago'

She looks at me with a very confused look I almost laugh.

Just kidding im just the prince or your husband'

'Corey  what have you done,' she says quietly luckily my hearing is quite a catch.

I take her by the hand and lead her to the massive dinning room. Everyone's attention including the girl I dodged. It must be her eyes. They are like a magnet for attention.

I pull her a seat next to mine and we are ready to have quite the dinner. I look at my parents and I know they are really shocked to see her. Its not her beauty but something more I've been trying to make them believe for a very long time. My father stands to make a speech which takes forever. Dylan is quite caught by her charms. He isn't letting the girl eat with his countless stories from Brookhung.

'Your drooling over the red girl George,' Shalima interrupts.

'Jealous much?

She chuckles and takes her hand right to my crotch.

'Don't play with me Shalima'

She squeezes me making my jaw tighten

'I think we already established that long time ago when you chose her'

The dinner ends and all the locals take their leave. The contestants are shown to their rooms while the royal family are left to chose the best three for me. According to our stupid customs I am chosen for but I know they will add Courtney.

'What did I tell you George, we do not want to be part of this game,' my father rudely exclaims.

'Game?' I chuckle 'Getting married was your idea '

'I know that so stop ruining my idea with your selfish desires'

'I can already see us fighting so let me clear things up. I will marry her and no one not you or the church or the fucking council can stop me. Get her on that list'

'I hope your not doing this because of Amelia. Don't ruin an innocent girl's life based on a stupid idea,' my brother says.

'Oh Marcus, you should learn not to act with your dick it will ruin you'

I storm out if their before I end up killing my on brother just because I got pissed. It wouldn't appear great in my perspective. I notice the door to my room is open. That door never opens unless I hand over the key. I enter my room and find a tiara on my bed. It must be one of the royals trying out my cologne. It always happens when you invite one for the night. There she is coming from her bathroom.

'Sorry I needed a break from the wealth scunks'

'May I ask how you got in?'

'By nicking it with my hair pin'

She removes the pin from her silky very black hair and it falls like a giant rope all the way to her knees. She passes me and I cant help notice the tattoo of a sunset on her back.


Ofcourse her stupid ego doesn't let her stop so I lunge for her hair since its the only thing I can reach. She ends up slipping in my arms. Jeez those eyes again, this is why I kissed her. Her red eyes have this glow that no girl in all the years I've lived ever had before. I can't control my urges when she looks at me. Every part of me wants her so bad that it takes all the strength in me to not have her in my bed as we speak.

'Andy what are you doing?'

Ofcourse Shalima step right in.

I drop Alexa on the flow and smile.

'Just doing some heavy lifting for my biceps what about you?'

'You might get your hands dirty be careful'

Its either the bump on the fall or Shalima's statement that makes her waltz in Shalima's little not so safe space.

'What did you just say?'

Her hair is practically sweeping the floor but is the least of her concerns.


'Listen to me, princess. Instead of worrying about me why don't you wipe that make-up off and let George see that nasty pimple on your cheek'

Shalima is definetly pissed and I'm definetly correct. I was sure those red eyes weren't innocent. She turns to me and pokes her soft finger on my exposed chest.

'Fuck you'

She turns to walk away making me chuckle.

She makes me laugh and that's why I like her.

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