Chapter 13

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'Your hair is maroon now?'

I get startled and so  does the damn library ladder! I lose my grip and end up falling  into George's arm who happened to be many steps away from me. I am trying to avoid since the incident last week. Something tells me his eyes are hiding a very loveable heart but he doesn't want to get suprised. I feel as if I am able to lose everything I have ever known. To  understand him.

'I dyed it when you let for that business trip'

He lets me down slowly and smiles. I noticed he loves to smile when I am around.

 'I want to understand the man I am marrying George'

'To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy Courtney'

'Every time we have a moment together that isn't  about sex you disappear and come back after a week and act as if nothing happened. What does that mean?'

He looks at me and I am second guessing my confidence but I pull through.

'Who am I to you Courtney?'

He comes closer until my back is against the shelf. his eyes are innocent. He wants the truth but I can't give him that until I know he won't break my heart.

'You think I'm  heartbreaker'

What? Is he reading my mind or are my emotions to revealing.

'Fine. I will tell you who you are to me but metaphorically. You, are an angel looking for chaos in a devil that wants nothing else but peace'

He backs away him pocketing his hands. I feel like throwing a chair at him, maybe myself.



He takes my hand and pulls me down the many stairs to the garage of their many cars. a chauffer is standing in front of one with the keys and our luggage packed in another .

'How do you feel about taking a trip with your future husband?'

'George actually I am not even dressed for....'

'Get in the car Courtney'

I get in without rebelling and we are off to probably where we get murdered. 

We're in the airport with all the other bags. We are supposed to take a private jet but he says he has never been in a normal airplane with people before. He has a very weird way f expressing his bucket list. He takes a bag of peanuts from the flirty air hostess.

'Is this how peanuts taste like?'

'You have never had peanuts from a normal wrapper before'

He nods stashing his face with peanuts. he looks kind of cute and very loveable right now. Maybe this trip will be the jackpot o me running away. We watch a teen romcom movie together and he behaves a if it's his first time seeing two people fall in love on tv.

'125 years, technology what a suprise'


He loks at everyone and laughs stiffled chuckles.

'I told my father about a business trip to Maridel'

'You should have taken Shalima'

'It's a fake. I want a week away from paper work and a shiny ass crown'

'SO...a week in a normal house'

'Two bedroomed, no chef , just you and me'

'Now I get why you didn't take Shalima'


Two hours top notch and we arrive at a calm street of Maridel by a cab. We take in the fragrance of our new house. He puts forth his hand and we join them.


I wink and he pulls me together with our bags to our new house. The floors are wooden and the curtains are white. I go over to see the kitchen and it's marvelous. I turn to go upstairs when I bump into George. Before I pull over he pulls me and chuckles.

'You like sneaking up on me'

'I was here the whole time'

We go over to the kitchen to take inventory.

'Do we have grocery?'

'If that means eggs, lettuce, chicken , meat, tomatoes....'

'Okay we do'

Around dinner time we start cooking. I'm guessing he has never been to a kitchen before. He watches everything I do with keen attention. He loves the smell of onions he might dive i the pan to take a whiff.

'Do you think they can induce this smell in cocaine?'

I drop the glass but within a split second he catches it.

'You gotta be careful' 

'Right, with a man whose reflexes are faster than my blinking'

His eyes narrow as he smirks and I am just carried away I happen to cut myself slightly. The lemon juice adds to the pain and I almost scream my lungs out.. I'm bleeding profusely staining the white counter. George is standing infront of me looking at my finger motionless. I can her his heavy breathing from a distance.

'You don't like blood?'

'No it's just that ...' his voice drifts to nothingness as he steps closer and holds my hand

Blood trickles down to his palm as he weirdly stares at it. His hands are shaking and all tense I look into his eyes and little veins form on his head. I pull my and go upstairs to treat myself.

By the time I come back the place is already clean and he is finishing up with the cooking.

'What took you so long' 

I come closer to him and notice the blood and notice  blood stains. on his left corner of the mouth. I wipe it but before I take a look he grabs my hand.

'Is that....'


He licks my finger and all my senses concentrate on his tongue. The magic tongue that controls me. I pull away and check on the soup. It's gong to be a very tense week.

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