Believe in love: My life (Rewritten)

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Hey lovelies 🖐️

This is the first book I will be publishing so if you see any grammar mistake please bare with me😊

I hope you will like it so please vote and comment and please only nice comment ✌️.

No one should copy my story because if you do I will haunt you 👻 just kidding but please no one should copy my story because I worked really hard to write this, thank you 🥰.


My life is a mess, am tired, frustrated and exhausted at the same time working in two different places is not easy, most especially working at a bar as a lady is annoying.

Because you work at a bar all those men will think you are a prostitute they will all be trying to have sex with you, asking you to strip for them.

Men are so annoying they all behave like animals.

And walking all alone by this time of the night is not helping either it feels like someone is following me but I Know it's my imagination.

I walked hurriedly home I know no one is home because mom is always not home I opened the door, dropped my bag at the nearest stool and frantically ran to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Because I like coffee so much and am craving it right now I made me a coffee and sat down on the kitchen counter drinking my coffee.

I heard the front door unlock and I knew it was my mom I heard her talking to someone and I knew she brought a man home again I washed my cup and went to the living room and I saw them making out on the couch I picked my bag and went to my room to freshen up and sleep.

I hope you like it and sorry for the short chapter I will make it long next time.

Love you all🥰❤️

Believe in love: My life (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now