chapter eleven

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Today we are going to have a family dinner, since the wedding nobody came over so they all decided to come today and we have family dinner.

What's disturbing me is Belinda will be coming as well, Max invited her himself because hey nobody know that me and Belinda don't like each other they all think we are a normal mother and daughter.

Leah came earlier than the others because she said she wants us to catch-up before the others arrive and I must say I'm grateful that she came at least I have someone to interact with.

We are currently sitting on the dark colored couch in the living room sipping wine and conversing, I must say Leah is funny like hell.

She was telling me about her encounter with a guy at the mall who was trying to seduce her.

"I nearly slapped this guy, he kept on coming close to me saying all sort of flirty word giving me signals." She said and we laughed hard.

"But this guy has some balls you know." I said and she nodded while sipping on her cold juice.

"Do you know the annoying part is that he is a teenager."

"What?, A teenager how did you know." I asked curious.

"Because he was wearing a fucking uniform which he covered with a long coat." She said and I burst into another fit of laughter.

"He is a fucking high schooler?." I asked wide eyed she nodded.

"That's not even all he came with his girlfriend."

"Woah, This boy is something else."


We talked about random stuffs to kill time I got to know somethings about her, I learned that Leah is five years older than me but damn she has a great body cause she doesn't look her age I guess that's why that teenage boy tried to toast her, I checked the clock and it was 4:15 there is still three hours before everyone arrives.

I glance over at Leah and I saw she was also looking at me and she looks bored, sitting here for two hours is not funny.

"I'm bored." We both said in unison and we laughed, I guess we are really bored.

"What are we gonna do to pass time." She asked and I shrug.

"I don't know, I can't think of anything." I simply said and she just stared at the wall blankly, few seconds later she snapped her fingers and her eyes lit she stared at me grinning, I looked at her curious.

"Why don't we go to the pool." She said happy.



I can't

I don't like water

"O-okay if that's what you want to do." I said and she looks at me with uncertainty.

"Are you okay, you don't look like you want to go to the pool."

"No,no am fine I just don't like water but I can sit and watch you swim."

"Beside I didn't bring my swimsuit, so let's just think of something else."

"I can give you one."

"You have swimsuit?, But you said you don't like water."

"Yea, I mean the swimsuit is not mine but it's mine. She looked at me confused I can't blame her I will also be confused.

"I know you don't understand, I mean I didn't bring the swimsuits because I literally don't have one but when I came here they were clothes and that includes the swimsuits." I explained I hope she understands.

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