chapter two

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I got to the bar and went to the dressing room to change into my attire. Did I tell you guys what work I do in the bar?, I didn't right well am a singer.

I went down to the bar to start work.

"Hey bianca baby." I had someone called me I turned around and saw Ethan grinning at me.

I know you most be wondering who Ethan is, Ethan is my friend and coworker.

"Hey Ethan." I said excited he came close to me and hugged me.

"I miss you so so so much." He said still hugging me, Ethan is such a drama queen that's why I always tell him to become an actor but he always says 'No'.

"Ethan why are you such a drama queen." I teased him releasing myself from the hug because I don't think he is ready to release me and he pouted.

"So how have you been." He asked.

"Have been good what about you."

"I have been good also." He responded.

"And how is your grandma feeling now." I asked.

"Grandma is now better."

"Oh, how was Florida?."

"Florida was so fun, I had so much fun there I visited the beach and met a sexy girl there."

"Oh really I thought someone went to Florida to take care of his sick grandmother."

"Ya I did take care of her but I have to have some fun besides I didn't have so much fun." He said defending himself

"Okay, I heard you, let's get to work." I said.

"Sure baby." He said I don't know why he likes calling me that.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm I did my daily routine got dressed and left for work because I don't want to see the face of that filthy lady so i think I will have a coffee when I get to the restaurant.

I finished all my work both in the restaurant and bar for today so am heading home and I know as usual I will meet the house dark because no one is around.

Because that woman I called my mom is out there following both old and young men.

I got home I opened the door and went inside wanting to go and make coffee but what I saw made me freeze.

On the couch there lied my mother half naked with a guy on top of her they were making out and she was moaning so loud.

"MOM what's wrong with you, why didn't you go to your room or don't you know that you are not the only one leaving in the house." I said in an angry voice and she sat up and stare at me for some seconds.

"WHAT? Do you have a problem or are you jealous because am having fun and you don't have anyone to service you." She said in a mocking voice.

"I HATE you, you disgust me." I said tears running down my eyes and went to my room.

I hate this woman I don't think she's really my mother I don't know why she hates me so much.





I cried so much lying on my bed I didn't know when I drifted to sleep.


Hey beauty's 🥰❤️

I know bianca is going through a lot but she's a strong girl she will handle it.✌️

Hope you like it, please share, vote and comment.

And you guys reading this book please try and vote and comment and tell me what you think about the story please, please, please 🙏🙏 am begging you guys🥺 because i need motivation.

Thank you and take care.

Love you all❤️.

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