chapter three

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I got home a little bit early I opened the door and I saw the lights were on but am sure I offed  the lights before leaving in the morning, then I heard some sounds coming from the kitchen.

Who the fuck is in my house and the person even had the mind to step into my kitchen.

I am scared as fuck but I have to take care of this myself because there is nobody to help me.

But what if it's a thief or kidnaper or even a serial killer oh Jesus am coming help me I gulp hard and dropped my bag at the nearest stool with shaky hands I took the nearest vase that was on a stool beside the door, I took a deep breath and tiptoed my way to the kitchen ready to break the head of the motherfucker.

Upon reaching the kitchen I was shocked what I saw or rather who I saw made me freeze on my spot with the vase still hanging on my hand with my mouth wide open and my eye bulged out.

My mom was in the kitchen preparing food I think, she was standing with her back towards me sipping something from a cup I don't think she noticed me.

Then she turned around and let out a scream and let her cup fall to the ground and it shattered in to pieces.

"Oh my god bianca you scared me." She said with a... Smile? Is she smiling at me I look from right and left to see if there was someone else in the kitchen but there wasn't which means she is truly smiling at me.

"Sorry." That was all I could say and was about to leave when she said.

"Bianca where are you going to, come and have dinner." She said sweetly, wait is this woman okay or is she taking some drugs cause I don't understand with this sudden change of her's.

"Dinner?, Um.. am not hungry." I said and was about to leave again and she stopped me holding my wrist.

"Come-on baby it has been long since we had dinner together please join me." I stare at her in disbelief is she calling me Bianca, baby?, No I don't think this woman is okay or does she need something.

She was staring at me with pleading eyes, I don't know what came over me I gave in and said.

"Okay." And she smiled and lead me to the stool I sat down and she went to bring the food.

This lady is definitely not okay she's acting weird, she's smiling too much.

She served my food and brought out the dessert and she made my favorite chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream.

I eyed the food suspiciously not trusting the food and the lady who made it.

"Eat or it will get cold." She said and I just nodded, oh Jesus help me, I prayed before eating the food.

"How is work today." She asked, what this is like the first time she asked me about work.

"It was as usual."

"Oh I see." She kept on staring at me and I felt uncomfortable under her stare.

"So.. any boyfriend." She asked, can you imagine the woman that told me that am nobody's class is asking if I have a boyfriend.

"Why?, Why do ask."

"Nothing just want to know if you are seeing anyone." She said shamelessly.

"Oh, so you have forgotten what you told me the other day." I said.

"No, dear forget whatever I said to you that day it was all out of anger."

"Right, it was all out of anger indeed." I said, I took my dessert hey i can't leave my favorite, and I said "Excuse me." And I left the kitchen.


I woke up to the smell of freshly cooked food I slowly opened my eyes got up from the bed went to the bathroom and did my daily routine got dressed and went to the kitchen.

"Good morning bianca." My mom greeted me, this woman is scaring the shit out of me with this behavior of her's.

"Good morning." I said eyeing her suspiciously.

"Come and have your breakfast before you leave for work." I nodded and sat down to eat because I want to ask her what is going on or what's wrong with her.

She severed me with pancake, scrambled egg, bacon and orange juice.

"Enjoy." She said I started eating but I am feeling the urge to ask what's happening I took a deep breath sip my drink then I turned to her.

"Mom what's going on?."

"What do you mean.?"

"I mean, why are you being so nice to me."

"Am nice to you because am your mother."

"Mother?, mom I Know you want something so just tell me and stop acting weird."

"What are you saying." She said still acting nice and I got irritated.

"MOM, JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT AND STOP THIS ACT." I shouted getting irritated and frustrated.

"HEY, DON'T SHOUT AT ME, and I didn't know you were this smart." She said with a smirk, I knew it, I knew this evil lady has something behind her kindness.

"Okay, then tell me what do you want from me." I asked tears welling in my eyes.

"Now you are talking, well I have arranged your marriage." She said while taking a bite of her pancake.

"WHAT?" I asked unable to believe my ears.

"You heard me right, but Incase if you didn't hear then I said i.have.
arranged.your.marriage." she said the word one by one like she was explaining something to a five year old kid.

"Who are you to make that decision for me." I asked now tears running down my cheeks.

"Am your MOTHER." She said in a stern voice.

"Y- you are not my mother." I said through sobbing.

"You wish babygirl." She said smirking at me.

I don't think I can take this any longer, I just stood there tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I hate you." I said and ran out of the house I need to let this out before I go to work.


Hey beautiful people 🖐️❤️

I have to address this because it hurts me, I see you people have the habit of reading the story but you won't vote or comment like this is cruel guys 😏 I need your motivation, your likes and comments are what motivates writers to keep up writing, so please try to at least vote it won't take you minutes 🥺

Thank you ✌️


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