Chapter seventeen

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I was at the balcony, enjoying the wonderful breeze and the amazing view sipping on my hot chocolate.

Max went for a business meeting, he wanted me to come along but I don't want to go there, and just sit in a boring business meeting.

And for God's sake who on earth goes for business meetings on their honeymoon?

My phone rang beside me, I picked it up and saw who was calling and I smiled, she was face timing.

"Hello, Leah." I said, happily.

"Hey, Bee." She said. Immediately she called me that, I remembered someone who use to call me that. I felt my eyes welling with tears.

I miss him so much.

"Bee? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... how are you?, And everyone?"

"I'm fine, everybody is fine. How are you and Max" she winked. "You look so beautiful and different, what's the secret?." She cock a brow.

I smiled. "Max and I are fine. Thank you for the compliment, and you look sooooo beautiful too."

"Stop the exaggeration, Mrs Bianca." She said rolling her eyes.

"Well I was not exaggerating! I was just stating the fact."

"I can see. So... How did the honeymoon in Maldives go, I tried not to call you but I guess I couldn't contain myself. I want to know how you guys are enjoying your honeymoon."

"It was great, and you know actually I have been wondering why have you not called me, since we left. When I saw your call today, I was like 'oh eventually she's calling'."

She laughed. "Yeah, I promised myself not to call you so you could enjoy your honeymoon. But I was dying to know how you guys have been..... And I miss you too."

"Awww, I miss you too."

"Alright, hope you wore those lingeries we bought." She asked. I mentally facepalm myself.

I totally forgot about them, I have them in my suitcase because Leah helped me in choosing the clothes I brought here.

"Y-yes, I wore them." I lied and she looked at me suspiciously.

"You are lying Bee, I can see that." She said giving me a pointed look.

"No!, I'm not." I tried defending my lies.

"Ha! It is written all over your face,  ma'am."

"Okay, okay, yes I lied I didn't wear them."


"Because I forgot."

"How can you forget it, Bee."

"Nothing. Besides why will I wear it?"

"What do you mean by that silly question?, You are a married woman Bianca, you have a husband and you are at your honeymoon you have to wear something sexy for your husband. Stop acting like a child, you are fucking 21, not 16."

"I know... I jus- I just don't know if he would like it." I finally admit it. I Know, I and Max have done the dirty, but I don't know if he would like it If I wear something like that.

"Sorry but I have to say this Bianca. Stop acting dumb and childish, grow up and act like an adult that you are." I winced at the choice of word she used, but I know she is saying it for my own good and she's older than me so I took it...

"Thank you Leah. I really appreciate it, you are like a sister that I never had. Thank you."

She smiled. "Okay, lil sister. And by the way where is that husband of yours?."

"He went for a business meeting."

"What? Business meeting on his honeymoon?, Like who does that?"

"Max, does it." I said playfully and we laughed.

"But that's good. Now before he comes back, get in there take a shower and wear those sexy lingerie and wait for the fucker. I promise you he will like it."

"Alright, I will do just that."

"Okay, byeee. Make sure you make him moan your name tonight, I will be waiting for the feedback." She said with a wink, and I feel my cheeks getting hot.

"Yes, ma'am. Bye." I said and we hang the call.

Holly Molly....

How am I going to do this?, Anyway I hope Max likes it though. I got up and went to take shower.

Holla 🤗 beauty's

Hope you are fine! I'm not quite sure if I like this chapter. But I hope you guys like it.

And I want to know what you will like to see in the next update, if you would like to see Bianca and Maxwell intimacy, or you would rather want me to just skip the part and write something else then. comment what you want.

If you don't comment what you want to see then I will just write what comes to my mind.

I'm kinda feeling down, but I know I will be okay.

If there is anyone who is going through something or has anything to share, you can share it with me, I promise to listen and maybe help in a possible way that I can.

Don't keep silent, and let it kill you inside. Voice it out there are many people who are there to listen and help you out of any situation.

Stay curious always.


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