Chapter Nine

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Before I start I want to say something, I know I can't force you guys to vote or comment but as humans you should consider another human feelings.

I Know you know that being kind to one another is good but I don't know why you guys choose to be heartless... So for using that word but I don't know what word I will use, so I know most of you enjoy this story but you just don't want to vote or comment which is bad is not like I asked you people to do something difficult like following me or adding my book in your book list I'm just asking you guys for votes and comments that's all.

But if you don't feel like doing any of that then it's fine, you know the saying that says: what goes around comes around.

You know at some point I have started doubting myself and my story but when I sat down and re-read my book I knew that nothing was wrong with it, though I know it's not that perfect, but I know it's okay so maybe there is something wrong with you guys or maybe not but either way that's all.

Thank you.


I woke up by a light knock on the door I lazily sat up on the bed rubbing my eyes off the sleep but when I saw my surrounding I jolted up.

Where am I?, Where is this place whose room is this I looked down at my outfit and whose nightie I'm I wearing I heard the knock that woke me up again.

I slowly walked to the door I took a deep shaky breath before I opened the door there standing was a young girl in uniform standing when she saw me she bowed.

"Good morning Mrs Maverick." She greeted, Mrs Maverick? And that's when everything came back to me and I remembered that I got married yesterday.

"Mrs Maverick." She said getting me out of my thoughts.

"G-Good morning...." I said not knowing her name as of on que she said:

"Lucinda." She answered bowing.

"Lucinda what can I do for you." I questioned.

"Breakfast is served." She said bowing.

"Okay, I will be there." I said and she left I went to the bathroom and did the necessary I checked the time and almost screamed.

Oh shit.

Am late for work I quickly get dressed and practically ran downstairs, I was proceeding to the front door when a voice stopped me.

"Mrs Bianca where are you going to?" Agatha asked.

"Going to work." I answered with a 'duh' tone.

"Okay Mrs Bianca, Mr Maverick is waiting for you at the dinning."

"Tell him I'm late to work I will see him when I'm back."

"Sorry Mrs Bianca, he wants you there right now."

"Okay." I said following her to the dinning, when we got there my mouth literally opened, the place is so huge and beautiful.

"Morning bianca." Maxwell greeted   staring at me up and down.

"Good morning." I greeted and he nodded.

"And where are you going to." He asked.

"Am going to work." I answered in duh.

"You won't be going there anymore."


"Because I said so."

"And who are you to decide what I do."

"Am your husband, my wife cannot work at a restaurant or bar."

"And If I want to work there."

"Even if you want you won't."

I know arguing with him won't do any good.

"Okay at least let me go there and inform them I won't be working there anymore."

"That won't be necessary."


" Because I already did that." I looked at him in disbelief.

"Great!!! now I don't even have a say in my life, you go to my work place and tell them that am resigning." I asked in utterly disbelief.

"Well I didn't go there, your mom did." He said glancing at me for a second.

I didn't say anything else I just walked away and went to my room in anger.


I was in my room when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said not knowing who it was and I don't feel like standing up to open the door.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Bianca." I nodded not in the mood to talk.

"Lunch is ready." She informed I wanted to decline the offer but then my stomach growls indicating  that am hungry since I didn't eat anything since morning.

"Okay." I said and she bowed before living, after awhile I went downstairs.

I hope that annoying man is not there I strolled to the dinning room and I saw him sitting there with his rude daughter.

I sat down ready to eat because am damn hungry when rude girl decided speak.

"Dad, what is she doing here?, What are you doing here." She asked in an angry voice.

"Calm down ivah, this is Bianca my wife." Her dad said.

"WHAT?, Is she the girl you got married to, this unbelievable dad didn't you find any other girl to get married to, why her?, Why this fucking waitress." She finished her ranting.

"Language ivah and she's not longer a waitress."

"That doesn't matter dad, am so disappointed in you for marrying this lowlife bitch." She said and walked away I just sat there speechless watching as the drama unfolds I won't blame her because I won't also like my dad to get married to a young girl who is about my age too.

"Ivah, ivah." Her dad called behind her but she was gone, her dad looked at me apologetically before following his daughter.


This an update for those of you who like the story but are in denial so enjoy 🤗.


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