chapter six

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Above 👆 is Mia Maverick Matthew Maxwell's sister.

Above 👆 is Mia Maverick Matthew Maxwell's sister

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This is Belinda Lawson... Well we all know who she is right.


When I got to the restaurant I saw Emily crying while Anna was consoling her.

"What's wrong."

"What happened."

"Why are you crying."

"Why she is crying." I asked all at the same time confused and worried.

"She broke up with her fiance." Anna said.

"WHAT." I asked shocked I move closer to them to comfort Emily.

"Yeah." Anna answered.

"W-wait, wait, wait, I don't understand I thought they were going to get married next month." I asked just to be sure.

"Yes that's right."

"Why did they broke up all of a sudden when they have been together since highschool and their wedding is around the corner."

"Well literally she broke up with him because she caught him cheating, and the worst part is he was cheating with her best friend." Anna informed me.

"Oh my god, what a cruel world how can they do this to her they are so evil, am so sorry Emily." I said patting her back while she kept on sobbing.

"But how did she get to know about it." I asked.

"Emily, said that he had been acting weird and lately he has been on his phone when ever they are together his attention is mostly on his phone so she got suspicious of him, at midnight when he was sleeping she took the opportunity and took his phone she tried unlocking the phone but he changed the password she knew so she used his thumb print and unlocked the phone she got to his messages and she saw that he has been texting a particular number which was saved as 'my peace' curiosity got over her she entered the text and what she saw broke her heart all their text were about love and sexual text when she saw him moving she quickly kept his phone and lied down pretending to be sleeping." All this information made my eyes hurt I didn't even know I was crying Anna looked at me and continued..

"The next day she behaved like she did see anything and the continued living there life as usual but then this morning she went to her bestfriend's house and she saw them having s*x, at first they did not noticed her she stood there shocked after they were done then they saw her standing there they were shocked they quickly got dressed while she was still standing staring at them with tears then her best friend asked her what she was doing there. Emily confronted them and then her ex friend told her that Emily is foolish and naive that she didn't notice that her ex fiance did not love her Emily tried saying something but her ex fiance interrupted her saying that he does not love her and that the wedding they have been planning was not with Emily but the wedding was to take place with Emily's ex best friend, Emily was shatter and she removed the ring he gave her and threw it on him she said some few things to them and walked out of there and she came here." Anna finished narrating and I look at Emily in sympathy.

"But you shouldn't have come to work, you are supposed to be at home." I said wiping my eyes.

"Ya I told her so but she said she will feel better if she's here with us then rather sit at home alone." Anna said.

"Oh, but Anna were you around when all this happened." I questioned because she has narrated the story so we'll that you will think that she is one that it happened to.

"No I wasn't why did you ask."

"Nothing just that you narrated it so well that it felt like I was there." I said and I felt Emily giggle a little and I smiled happy that she giggled even though it was for a short period of time.

The time passed by quickly it's already 12:33 I was going back to the kitchen after serving when I heard my phone ringing I checked the caller ID and I rolled my eyes what does she want I didn't want to pick so I shoved the phone into my pocket.

The phone kept on ringing and the customers kept staring at and I knew that am disturbing them so I excused myself to pick the goddamn phone and know why she has been calling, immediately I picked the call I heard her loud voice.

"WHY, were you not picking my calls."

"I was busy."

"But you know you are supposed to be home today to choose your wedding dress the designer and your sister-in-law are here waiting for you, you should hurry back."

"I don't think I can make it, am busy."

"If you don't come back, you know what I will do." With that she hung up.

She woman is annoying how am I going to leave I don't know if the Manager will let me leave.

I went to the manager's office I took a deep breath before I knocked on his door, he called in and I went Inside.

"Good afternoon sir."

"Bianca, what do you want."

"Sir... Beli- I mean my mom called me and want me to come back home."

"Why, your shift is not over so you can't leave."

"Please sir she said it's urgent." I said with pleading eyes.

"Okay you can go, but this will be the first and last time this will happen." He warned.

"Yes sir thank you." I said and hurried back to collect my stuff I once again comforted Emily and said goodbye to them and leave.

"Hey she's here." Belinda said drawing the attention of everyone to focus on me now.

That lady came over and hugged me smiling I smiled back at her.

"How are you bianca." The lady asked.

"I'm fine and you."

"I'm also fine hope you are ready and prepared for your wedding."

"Y-yes ma'am." I said nodding and she smiled.

"Don't be formal, am your sister-in-law so you should call me Mia." She said and I nodded.

"Okay, you are the bride right, come over." A dark colored lady said and I went over.

"I'm Zaria, I will be your designer." She introduced herself.

"I'm bianca." I said.

"I know, so let find a dress for this beautiful bride." She said we looked at dress all are beautiful I don't know which one I will choose Belinda tried choosing one for me but I turned her down.

Then I saw a dress it was so beautiful and Mia said it's the one I should pick it, I liked it too so I choose that one.

"This one, I will take this one." I said.

"Okay you choose this right I will bring it in the next two days." She said I nodded but why in two days.

"But I thought you will be bringing it on the wedding day." I asked.

"Yes, I will be bringing it on the wedding day, but isn't the wedding in two days." She asked looking at me confused.

"What the wedding is in two days."

"Yes dear the wedding is in two days I forgot to inform you earlier." Mia said with a smile, God this lady like smiling.

But what the fuck... The wedding is in two days.

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