Chapter fifteen

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So I just realized that I haven't posted ivah's picture

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So I just realized that I haven't posted ivah's picture. Sorry for that, I thought I posted it in one of the previous chapters? I guess I didn't.

Here is Ivah Maxwell Maverick, Maxwell's daughter. She is eighteen years old.

Though I know we already know her, but I thought of doing a little introduction. And if there is anyone that I haven't posted their pictures, or anyone you want to see their picture, just comment, and I promise to post the picture.

And about the Q&A, nobody has asked me a question, and I asked, and no one has answered. Please let's try communicating with each other. That way I will know what you want to see in the book.

And you can bring in your suggestions, and I will add it in the story, and I will definitely shout-out to you for helping in writing the chapter.

Let's go straight to our storyyyy........


I woke up, and glanced at the side I saw Max lying there shirtless sleeping peacefully. I stare at the amazing man lying next to me.

The memory of yesterday night, came flowing back to my head. I smile at the memory. Yes! We did it last night.

Who would have thought that, I and Max. will fall in love? Who would have known that Belinda's choice will be this great?

But I won't say it's thanks to her. Because if she knew I would be this happy with Max, she won't have gotten me married to him anyways.

I most say, this is all thanks to Mom, Mia and Leah. If not for them, we wouldn't have come to this honeymoon. And if not for this honeymoon, I and Max's relationship wouldn't have blossomed.

I have never felt this way. Nobody has loved and cared for me like Max does. Well except my father. All my relationships nobody has loved me this way.

Even though Max is way too older than me, and has a grown up daughter. But he loves like a young teenage boy, if I must say.

I wrapped the blanket around my naked body. I stood up to go to the bathroom, and I hissed due to the sharp pain, I felt between my legs.

Do I regret what happened yesterday night? Hell no. Definitely  not, I love it, I won't hesitate to do it again.

I took baby steps to the bathroom. Because fuck! I'm so sore, down there. I prepared the water and got into the bathtub. I sat down gently.

I hissed, when the water touched in-between my legs, but it feels so good though.

I relaxed inside the water. Closing my eyes.

"Good morning, sunshine." I heard, my husband's husky voice. I opened my eyes, and I saw him smiling down at me and I smiled.

"Good morning, baby." I say, he came to me, and asked me to move forward, so he can sit behind me.

He placed his large hand on my tummy, making small circles, and I relaxed into his touch closing my eyes.

He kissed my earlobe. "Are you sore?" He asked, I nodded.

I felt his hand traveling down in-between my legs, and he grazed his thumb over my vagina, and I hissed a little.

"Sorry, love. I should have been gentle, since it was your first time." He said, concerned kissing the back of my head. I chuckle a little.

"You were indeed gentle, babe. Like you said, it was my first. So I'm bound to be sore." I tried explaining it to him, but he shook his head.

"Bianca. I know you are trying to make me feel better, but i-" I cut him off.

"Shhhh," I said turning to look at him. "No! Max. You were gentle the whole time, and if there is anything better than gentle then you were. Except that your dick is huge." I told him truthfully.

Max was so gentle, I think I am
this sore because it was my first, and maybe because we did it more than once, and definitely because he has a huge dick.

I see him relax a bit and I kissed him on the lips and he kissed back. We parted from the kiss, and took our bath.

We went to have breakfast, and take a stroll. As today is our last day to have fun in Maldives. We are leaving tomorrow to Santorini.

I will miss, Maldives. Because this is where our love story began, and this is where I lost my virginity to Max.

I hope Santorini will bring wonderful memories as Maldives....


Hey, another question:

What do you want to see in the next chapter?

Feel free to comment, and I will try to give you what you want..

And.... Hope you like this chapter, if you don't then...



Hahaha, don't mind me, but I hope you enjoy the chapter 😘


Love you all ❤️


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