chapter one

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I woke up a little bit late I only have one hour to go to work I quickly ran to the bathroom and took my shower, brushed my teeth and got ready quickly I went to the kitchen to make coffee.

I drank a little and left for work I don't want to be late cause if am late the manager won't take it lightly with me I was about to leave when my mom called.

"Hey come." She said and I turned around to face her.

"What?." I asked.

"I need some money."

"Money?, I thought I gave you some yesterday."

"Yeah you did but it finished and I need more." She said in a raised voice.

"It's finished? You finished two thousand dollars in a single day what wrong with you."

"Hey young lady watch the way you speak to me am your mother." She shouted.

"My mother? When last did you act like a mother to me, and for the money I don't have any you are old enough to take care of yourself and stop following men and stick to one." I said using the same tone she used.

"Hey don't you dare dimwit me because I asked you for money and who are you to advise me, you said I follow different men okay but do you have one in your life, because of this attitude of yours that why all your boyfriends left you, because they are not your class  and you are not worthy to be anyone's girlfriend or wife." She said with a smirk and tears rolled down my cheek.

"You are disgusting." I said on top of my lungs and left the house.

"Good morning Emily" I greeted my coworker.

"Morning bianca." She answered with a smile.

"....where is Anna?" I asked about my other coworker.

"She's off today attending a friend's wedding I think."

"Oh, so we are the only ones today."

"Yeah, let's get to work before the manager comes." She said and we got to work.

I am presently severing a man and his rude daughter.

"And where is the cheesecake I asked for?." She said rudely.

"Sorry but I don't remember you asking for one." I said politely.

"Are you dumb or what?." She shouted.

"Excuse me watch your tongue." I said through gritted teeth.

"And if I don't."

"If you don't you won't like what I will do to you." I said and she scoffed.

"What can a common waitress do to me." She smirked "do you know who I am?."

"Hey I don't care who you are, and yes am a waitress but that doesn't give you any right to talk to me in such manner."

"Oh, really I will make sure that you get fired." She threatened I gulp knowing fully well that I can get fired if the manager hear this then it over for me.

"Do I look like I care, don't just threaten me do it already call the manager." I said.

But you know am lying cause I care I don't want to lose this job, but am not going to let this small girl know that I care.

She started shouting and causing commotion everybody was now looking at us I folded my hand staring at the spoilt brat.

"You are really testing my patience." She said glaring at me.

"So do you."

"What's happening here." Her dad asked, he went out to answer a call earlier.

"Dad this stupid lowlife waitress disrespected me." She complained to her dad.

"Hey, spoilt brat watch your words." I warned her.

"Hey don't shout at my daughter."

"Okay then ask your daughter to talk to me in the right manner."

"Don't talk to my dad like that bitch."

"Uh ah, if you say one more thing I will make you regret it." I threatened her dad was about to say something when a voice spoke from behind me.




"What's going on here?" The manager asked.

I closed my eyes and gulped because I know this is not going to be good.

"Bianca what's going on here?" He asked coming closer to the table.

"Um..." But the spoilt brat interrupted me.

"This stupid waitress of yours disrespected my dad and I."

"Princess don't use that word on her." Her father tried to scold her and I scoff drama queens but I know am in deep trouble.

"What, bianca do you know who this man is, apologize to them." The manager said in a serious tone.

As if I care to know who he is.

But you all know better that I won't apologize.

"Sir I can't apologize because I did nothing wrong." I said.

"Well if you won't apologize then I think this is the last day you will be working here."

Fuck me did he just fired me how am I going to survive with only one job with that of a bitch mother that I have oh God help me.

"Okay sir if that your decision then I will leave because I won't apologize." I said and was about to go and pack my stuff when a voice called me.

"Wait..." Her father said I stopped.

"Mr peter, don't fire the girl she was not at fault, just that my daughter got angry." He said staring right at me.

"But Mr Maverick she disrespected you she deserves to be punished." The manager said.

"Like I said she was not at fault just let her be." He said in a matter of fact tone and I see his daughter glaring at me before they left.

Spoilt brat

Brainless bitch

And I am with the manager who was also glaring at me and told me to follow him to his office and i know am going to be scolded.


Poor bianca, she is going through a lot and with that of a bitchy mother I hope she gets through it 🥺.

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Thank you 🥰🥰

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