Chapter6: Hell is loose

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Meme:Why'd you do this Socks!

Socks:*Running out of the area* What do you mean?!

???:WELL, WELL WELL. Having a wedding? Are you having fun? Well! That's nice. I'm glad you're having a great time.

Blaza:Come on Socks!

TBH:I got Wictoria! Meme go with Nadwe!

Nadwe:Come on Meme!


???:I would like to share a revelation I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species, and I realized that humans aren't mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. Instead, you multiply and multiply until every resource is consumed, but the only way for you to survive is to spread to another area. There's another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus.

Socks:That's not true!

Blaza:I'll get Samson!

Socks[ This can't be happening! This whole ceremony was meant to be the happiest moment for Meme and Wictoria. Not their worst!]

???:Human beings are a disease. Cancer on this planet, and WE are the cure. Today is a day of history. Today will be remembered years from now. The young will wonder about today. Today is a part of history, and you are part of it. Let the games begin!

*Distant missile goes off*

Ally:The village!

Muffin:Just guys get out!

Laff:I'm out of here!

Joocie:Wait up!

Dino:We're coming Socks!

Woolfster:Wait up Meme!

*Massive explosion*

Socks:*Running*The village!

*AMPG goes off again*

*Massive explosion*

Socks:*Get stabbed by flying fence shard* Ough!

Ally:*Scared to death*Socks!

Socks:*Collapses* Ouch...

Blaza:*Running*Get socks Ally!

Dino:*Comes up behind*I know where to go!

Blaza:*Slows down*Follow Dino!

*With Meme*

Meme:*Running*Come on Nadwe!

TBH:*Panting*Where should we go! I can't carry Wictoria much longer!

Woolfster:*Run's up*Go to my base! It's not that far!

Meme:Got that!

*2 minutes later*

Meme:We made it!

Nadwe:*Panting* I'm tired!

TBH:*Lowers Wictoria* Finally!

Woolfster:*Grabs keys* Just sit tight.

Woolfster:*Opens door* Put Wictoria On the couch.

Meme:*Grabs Wictoria* I got it!

TBH:*Walks in* I'm tired.

Meme:*Sits on couch next to Wictoria sobbing* Why would Socks do that?!

Nadwe:What do you mean?

Meme:*Slightly calms down*He organized the whole event! Who else could've?!

TBH:Just calm down! Just think this over, why would socks wanna kill Wictoria?

Meme:I don't know?! Did you not see what happened at the village!

Woolfster:*Shocked at Meme yelling* Meme! Just calm down. Let's think this through.

Meme:*Sobbing more* Just go!!

Nadwe:But Meme-

TBH:Just leave him be, he needs to calm down after today.

Woolfster:Yeah Nadwe, he just witnessed his friend and his wife get shot and killed. He can't handle it.

Nadwe:*Looks down* Fair point. Thanks guys.

TBH:No problem, just talk to us when you need to.

Nadwe:I'll just go outside.

Woolfster:You want me to go with you?

Nadwe:Just because I am fourteen doesn't mean I can't fend for myself.

Woolfster:Ok jeez.


Nadwe:I'll just go to the forest.

Nadwe:*Spots bat* Oh hey little fella! You're pretty cute if I do say so myself.

Nadwe:*Slowly walks into the forest* I'll let you hang on my ear.

Nadwe:*Starts getting dizzy* Oh BoY.


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