Chapter5: Rock And Docks

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[Day 11]

Nadwe:So what is on your station Samson?

Samson:*Eating ice cubes* Well what part do you wanna know? We really just went over the outside.

Nadwe: Well what are the engines?

Samson:Kraken Drives.


Samson:*Eats another ice cube* Well It's the name I came up with for the engine because it uses a special material and magnifies it to the point where it warps space time and pushes me.

Nadwe:A what now?

Samson:Some complex space stuff.

Nadwe:Well what about that big ring around the whole thing?

Samson:So lets say you tie a ball to a rope and you spin it. As you go faster do you feel it pulling on the rope more?

Nadwe:*Tilts head* Yeah?

Samson:So what's happening is that the energy from the rope spinning is pushing on the ball making gravity so the ring on my space station spins the corridors to make them have gravity.

Nadwe:Oh I see!

Nadwe:Well what is that space shuttle on the side?

Samson:*Eats another Ice cube* Well from my universe our crew used Space shuttles or an upgraded version of them for cargo transportation and just for short ranged missions.

Nadwe:Well why didn't they just use some complex spaceship?

Samson:Well the space shuttle retired in 2011 in my timeline so about 200 years later we were needing a ship just like the space shuttle so my dad brought up the idea to just reuse the shuttle.

Samson:They agreed but changed it a bit but still was pretty much the same.

Nadwe:I understand. Well I do have one more question.


Nadwe:How did you survive for about 3 decades and not feel lonely and run out of food

Samson:Well when I find universes and can't locate life. I just find a habitable planet and rest there and resupply from the surrounding place.

Nadwe:Well what about loneliness.

Samson:*Eats another ice cube* Well usually each evacuation station is meant to hold about 20 people at a time. But because of something. I was the only one who could make it sadly.

Samson:As I was exploring I did find universes with other people in them. I have made about a good 80 friends or around that.

Nadwe:Well who were some of them?

Samson:Well I got Sam , Cash , Kade , DoctorR , and others just to name a few.

Nadwe:Oh so I'm guessing that little cargo near the center is the memorial for all your friends before you left?


*Massive thunk is heard*

Socks:*Over speakers* Everyone buckle in cause we're now entering the rings of the rogue planet.

Samson:*Gets up*Well that's my cue to go to the bridge. Stay safe Nad.

Nadwe:*Gets up too* Alright got that!

Samson:*Running* Coming Socks!

*At the bridge*

Socks:I need someone to man the cannons on the side to try and shoot down any meteors headed to us!

Samson:*Presses screen on left hand suit* Ally, report to the cannons near Cafeteria to man meteor shooting.

Socks:If the path fails you and me have to manually fly the thing!

Samson:*Shaking a bit* Got that!

*Lasers firing off close by*

Alarms: Error Error, Engine 1 and 5 have lost all response, disconnecting fuel lines to said engines.

Socks:Samson? Samson!?

Samson:*Checking computer monitors* Same here, engines 1 and 5 are down.

Socks:*Panicking* Well won't 2 engines knock us of course a lot?!

Samson:Listen! Lower thrust vector on engines 2 , 4 , and 6 to 40% thrust and keep engine 3 at 120% thrust and it'll even out!

Socks:*Presses buttons and levers and pulls gauge* Got it!

Samson:*Get launched out of chair* Ow god what the?!

Socks:*Loses balance* Hold onto something!

Samson:*Grabs bolted desk* We hit another meteor!

Alarms: Error Error, solar array 3A , 3B , and 3C are downed and unresponsive.

Alarms: Error Error, Comms are downed losing all signal to Earth.

Socks:*Falls down onto ground*Ow what the hell!?

Samson:*Crawls over to desk* I'll get the ship back to nominal status! If possible

Socks:*Looks at cannons* Why isn't Ally shooting?!

Samson:*Turns on intercom* Ally are you active? Ally are you active?

Socks:*Gets up shakingly* I'll go get Ally you just man the ship!

Samson:*Sits down and starts pressing buttons* Copy that!

*In medbay*

Meme:*Holding onto Nadwe* Nadwe stay calm!

Nadwe:*Shaking around a lot* AaAaAAAAAAA.

Meme:*Looks around* Wictoria?!

Wictoria:*Holding onto desk* Over here!

Meme:*Looks over* Hold onto Nadwe! I'll open the door and get us to the dorms!

Wictoria:*Runs over and trips* OW!

Nadwe:*Jumps down* Wictoria you ok!?

Wictoria:*Stands up* Yeah I'm ok! Just hold onto me!

Meme:*Runs over to door* What was the code again?! Oh yeah 20T20

*Door slides open*

Meme:*Runs out* I'll be back in a minute!

Meme:*Running* Come on please don't be locked!

Meme:*Opens* Yes! Now just gotta get the room unlocked!

Meme:*Opens door panel* What happened to the wiring?!

Meme:*Pulls wires* Well uh green goes to green and red goes to red? And then blue goes to blue and purple goes to purple!

*Door slides open*

Meme:*Slams door panel closed* Yes!

Meme:*Runs back to Medbay* Wictoria, Nadwe!

Nadwe:*Bolts out of room* Coming Meme!

Wictoria:*Running along* Nadwe wait!

Nadwe:Meme you got the door to open!?

Meme:Yes now hurry and get in!

*Everyone gets in*

Meme:*Presses button on panel* Ok now the door is sealed

*Door shuts closed*

Meme:*Sits down on couch* Everyone ok?

Nadwe:*Panting* Sure yeah.

Wictoria:*Sits besides Meme* I'm doing well.

Meme:*Sighs* I just hope the others are doing well.

Meme: I just hope the others are doing well.

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