Chapter12:Welcome back!

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[Day 18]

Tbh:*Knocking on door* Hey Samson? You in there?

Samson:*Muffled* Huh?

Tbh:There's been a notification on your computer from the bridge. It's locked behind a firewall.

Samson:*Muffled* Whah?

Tbh:Well you can go check when you can but I need to work on some things of my own.

Samson:*Still muffled* Eeeuuuggghh.

*In medbay*

Meme:*Looking at door* Tbh?

Tbh:*Walks over* yeah?

Meme:Well since the machine updated for the revival thing. The medical room has been locked and I've been hearing chatter and ruckus inside the room.

???:Oy lads I've been starving in here for so long!

Tbh:*Goes closer to door* Laff?

???:For the love of the queen, yes! It's me Laff!

Tbh:Who else is in there?

Laff:*Muffled* All the other mates that had passed during thy massacre

Tbh:Well Meme?

Meme:*Walks to door panel* Well you're locked in there with everyone else so I can't open the door from outside..

Tbh:*Punches panel* Try this!

*Door slides open*

Meme:Welcome everyone!

*Everyone walks out and begins chatting*

Muffin:*Looks around* Nadwe? You there?

Nadwe:*Running over* Muffin!

Muffin:*Runs over* Nadwe I've missed you!

Muffin:What'd I miss?

Nadwe:A lot! So much has happened since you all died.

Muffin:Well first off where are we?

Nadwe:Take a look around you! You're onboard Samson's station!

Muffin:Wait, why?

Nadwe:*Walks over to Meme* Well it's a long story so I'll let Meme know we should host a meeting to explain to everyone.

Blaza:*Looks down* Wait where are we?

Muffin:Apparently on Samson's station.

*At the meeting*

Socks:*Looks around* Everyone here? Alright let's get everyone caught up.

Socks:So you all died way before our mission took a massive problem.

Socks:So first, our ship was caught on a collision course with the rogue planet that was flying by our solar system so the people that were left made a vote to take the riskier route and it did work but our ship was heavily damaged.

Ally:So all of us were working on preparing to establish communication as you all knew that in the beginning of our mission we got hit by a solar flare.

Socks:So later me and Samson were outside and he found out that his station got hit by a meteor and that it was partially damaged but its communications were still working so we used that and called a shuttle to dock to us and transfer fuel.

Samson:Later we then docked to the station and since then we've been working on heading to Polus.

Socks:We also got a message from the Russians that our base had been destroyed so they made a deal with us and allowed us to land at their base.

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