Prologue (Book2 beginning)

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Socks:*Playing minecraft* Get away Meme!

Meme:*Chasing Sock in helicopter doing his iconic laugh* Heheeheheh. You can't escape!

Socks:*Phone goes off* Hold on I got a call

Blaza:*About to crash into Socks* Oh come on!

TBH:*Leaves desk* Ima just get some food.

Socks:*Answers call* Hello?

NASA administrator:Hello SocksFor1, Are you available for the next 4 months?

Socks:NASA? Yes?

NASA administrator:Great! Well we were informed of a new habitable planet and we had a base built on there. We will be using our newly built rocket the Skeld.

Socks:So why are you telling me?

NASA administrator: Well we needed a crew with diverse skills and we checked a lot of groups and only yours was fit for the job.

NASA Administrator: Oh and this mission is tweaked a bit so little training is needed.

Socks:And is this a one manned mission?

NASA administrator:Oh no! This requires at least 10 people all with different skills.

Socks:So I can bring my friends with me?

NASA administrator:Yes. The rocket is built to not need a lot of training as it will fly in a special way so meet us in about a month and we'll get you trained!

Socks:Let me consult with my friends and family but for sure yes!

NASA administrator:We understand that SocksFor1. Get ready for the trip of a lifetime.

Socks:Oh and one more question. What will we get if the mission is successful?

NASA administrator:A lifetime money supply from us as this will be the first manned mission to another planet!

Socks:Got that! See you in a month.

NASA administrator:Have a lovely evening

Socks:*Hangs up* Hey guys!


Socks:We ready to go to space?

Meme:Like NASA approved?


Blaza:Well what's the catch?

Socks:We'll be gone for a good 4 months and we need to leave in a bit so I recommend we get ready.

Meme:I'll tell Wictoria and the kids!

Blaza:I'll let the furries and the British dudes know!

Socks:I'll get TBH and the others!

*1 week of training later*

NASA administrator:Well, you guys are all ready for Space! Except you Samson. You already had training from somewhere.

Samson:Yup. And I ain't telling you where!

NASA administrator:Anyways. Meet at the dormitory and you will be staying there for the week before launch.

Socks:Let's go!

*At the dormitory*

Socks:I get to go to space!

Socks:*Sits down on bed* Wait. Was this the surprise Samson was talking about?


Socks:Come in!

Samson:*Opens door* How do you like the surprise?

Socks:So you did set this up!

Samson:Yup! You enjoying it?

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