Chapter 1: Soft Rains Of June

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Sir Henry was busy in the HPG headquarters when Bob ran in. "Henry!" Bob yelled out. "Bob, what's going on? Where are the Wild Boys?" Henry asked, practically scolding Bob. "They're kidnapped," Bob said. "What?" Henry asked, flabbergasted. "Yeah, I can show you their location," Bob said as he pressed a few keys on the keyboard. HPG has a computer system to track the watches of their agents. Bob and Henry began looking throughout Ireland using the GPS to figure out where the Wild Boys were. That's when Bob found a faint flicker located in County Wicklow. "Over there, it's coming from County Wicklow," Bob said. "County Wicklow? Why there?" Henry asked before the entire system shut down. "Okay, what just happened?" Bob asked.

Just then, the room's lighting became red and someone from the IRA showed up on the screen. "General Tiarnán," Bob said. "Greetings, HPG, seems like there's two of you today, where are the rest of the crew?" General Tiarnán asked. "On their way, they had to travel all the way to England," Bob said. "Ugh, I hate England, haven't you forgotten what happened in Derry in 1975?" General Tiarnán asked. "I tell you what, Sean, you're unbelievable, you literally think that this conflict is all black and white when you really need to look at both sides of the story," Henry said. "Sean?" Bob asked. "He used to train me but I had to leave upon learning the IRA's intentions," Henry explained. "Well, we're well-aware about what happened in Derry but that doesn't mean we have to be Anglophobic, the majority of the Wild Boys were English," Bob said.

"Oh yeah, speaking of those pesky Wild Boys, we captured them and placed them under custody," General Tiarnán said. Bob and Henry were both shocked by what General Tiarnán said. "What did they ever do to you? They're just kids," Bob said. "Let's just say, nothing, I just want them captured so that I could experiment with their DNA, that way I can make my army more powerful," General Tiarnán said. "But you don't need the DNA, half of your army will die out if you inject it," Henry said. "And how do you know how this DNA works?" General Tiarnán asked. "Those kids, they're the survivors of the teens with mitochondrial disorders who were injected with this DNA, there were so many lives lost that day," Henry said. "Well that doesn't matter, once those kids' DNAs are in my hands, my army will be the most powerful," Tiarnán said.

But what Tiarnán said made both Henry and Bob laugh like hyenas. "You must be as blind as a bat," Henry said as he continued laughing. "Yeah, like literally half of your army would be killed after that DNA gets injected," Bob said. General Tiarnán felt a little embarrassed. "That doesn't matter, if I don't get the DNA, the Wild Boys will be executed," General Tiarnán said. Bob and Lord Henry were shocked upon hearing this. "You want to kill the Wild Boys?" Henry asked. He had treated the Wild Boys as if they were his own children even though he is in charge of assigning missions for them. "Yes, because it is our job to eliminate the remaining alien hybrids in the world," General Tiarnán said, menacingly. "What? I thought the IRA's goal was to 'unite Ireland,'" Bob said.

"The provisional IRA has connections with our enemy, the Illuminati," Henry said. "Okay, that makes so much sense," Bob said. "Yeah, so basically if you don't get the Wild Boys by dusk, they will be executed by dawn," General Tiarnán said before he laughed. After that, his video was switched off and the entire headquarters switched back to normal. "I can't get his evil face out of my head anymore," Bob said. "I've known his evil face for years so I probably got used to it," Henry said. Just then, some other people barged into the headquarters. It was the Wild Boys' teachers. "We had a call and we had to take the plane to Ireland, what's going on?" Mr McCartney said. "Paul, you wouldn't believe this but the Wild Boys were kidnapped," Henry said.

"The Wild Boys were what?" Ms Harry asked. "Kidnapped by none other than the IRA, they wanted their DNA," Bob said. "How are we going to save them?" Mr Sumner asked. "They're in County Wicklow so we need to take a train ride there," Henry said. "A train to County Wicklow?" Mr Tennant asked. "Yup," Henry said. "Well, I guess that means we must settle down first," Mr McCartney said. "I'll take you to your room, Bob, take care of headquarters, in case the IRA hacks us," Henry said. "Yes sir," Bob said as he shifted his focus on the computers of headquarters. Lord Henry then guided the teachers to their rooms. "So, where are our rooms?" Ms Harry asked. "It's in the adjacent tower to the Wild Boys' room," Henry said. They soon arrived at the tower where the teachers' rooms will be.

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