Chapter 10: This Is Your Land

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That's when Dr Hayley and the team came into the ward, where the Wild Boys were resting. "Thank goodness you guys are awake, you got us worried," Dr Hayley said as she began to check on the Wild Boys with her team helping her. "What happened? How long have we been trapped down there in the IRA base?" Nicky asked. "3 days in total," Dr O'Connor said. "Three days?" Kim asked. "It must've been my birthday already," Curt said. "Don't worry Curt, all these missions we have to do made us forget our birthdays," George said. "Yeah, even I forget that I'm 17 already," Dave said. As the doctors were examining the Wild Boys, Bernard decided to ask a question. "So, what happened? Why did we pass out" Bernard asked.

The doctors had no choice but to explain everything in vivid detail. Especially because the Wild Boys were all matured since the majority are now 18. "You passed out once you're out of the IRA base because you spent 3 days in that dungeon, no food, no water, nothing," Dr Hayley explained. "No formulated food, even?" Roland asked. "Actually, you did have formulated food on you, Andy and Richard, it's just that you ran out," Dr Lynch said. "Oh yeah, yet I didn't notice," Andy said. "And since you were trapped there for a while, when you finally came out, you weren't used to the light," Dr Hayley said. "That makes sense, it was so bright if I'm being honest," Curt said. "Yeah, especially since we're so used to the dimly lit halls of the IRA base," Bryan said.

"And lastly, we noticed some cuts and bruises from when you were kidnapped, some of them got infected so we treated them and put you all on fluids and antibiotics, and a blood transfusion for Simon because he's losing blood due to haemophilia," Dr Mills said. "Ohh so that explains the IVs," Gillian said. "You'll be on it until tomorrow, because you'll be released tomorrow but you have to stay with Henry since you'll be under observation," Dr Hayley said. As if on cue, Henry, Bob and the Wild Boys' teachers came in. "Are they alright?" Henry asked, panicking. "They're alright, Henry, just exhausted and malnourished, that's all," Dr Hayley said. "Except Simon lost some blood," Hutch said. "Well, I'm glad all of you are okay, you got us worried," Ms Harry said.

"They should be released by tomorrow," Dr Hayley said. "That's wonderful news," Mr McCartney said. "Now if you excuse us, we have yet another patient to take care of," Dr Lynch said. The doctors left the ward leaving the crew with the Wild Boys. "Dr Hayley said you're keeping us under observation, is that true?" Larry asked. "Yes, Larry, you all have to rest in the castle for a while before you can return to Basildon," Henry said. "We don't want to risk any of you passing out whenever we have missions so you have to rest up," Bob said. The Wild Boys understood, they didn't want to risk their health on the line. For now, they will just take a break from the chaos of missions.

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