Chapter 4: My Side Of The Bed

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Meanwhile in the dungeon, the Wild Boys had just finished beating up some IRA guards. Larry had such a powerful touch which enabled him to kill someone with just one touch. "Larry, how can you do that?" Mick asked, fascinated with Larry's powers. "It's part of me," Larry said. "Okay, now what?" Nicky asked. "Are we saving more of our team?" Curt asked. "Yup, now let's go," Larry said. The Wild Boys continued on their journey through the dungeons only to find Bono in his cell. "Bono, love, are you there?" Larry asked. "Laz?" Bono asked, upon seeing Larry. "There you are, okay, I'll pick the lock, just wait there," Larry said as he tried to pick the lock. "Laz, aren't you aware how beaten up Bono is right now?" Andy asked. "I am, don't worry Bono, we're getting you out," Larry said.

Larry soon picked the lock and instantly used his telekinesis to break the chains that were attached to Bono. "Are you alright now?" Larry asked. Bono nodded as Larry helped him up. "Okay, now what?" John asked before Simon weakly gestures towards another cell containing Adam. "Adam?" Larry asked as he ran up to Adam's cell. "Hey Larry, I think I got beaten up here," Adam said. "Don't worry, I'll get you out," Larry said as he began picking the lock. "What do I do?" Adam asked. "Maybe try and use your telekinesis to break free from the chains," Fletch said. Adam nodded as she tried to use his remaining strength to break free from the chains. After that, she was able to leave his cell since Larry managed to pick the lock. "You did it, Adam," Larry said. "Yeah, thank goodness I'm free now," Adam said.

"Now we must find the others," Larry said. The Wild Boys continued searching through the dungeons and found Edge. "Edge? Honey, you alright?" Adam asked upon approaching Edge's cell. Edge gave a weak thumbs up even though he was tethered to shackles. "Let me get you out of there," Larry said, using his strings to pick the lock. "What do I do?" Edge asked, wondering how he could break free from the shackles. "Try using your telekinesis," Bono said. Edge tried to use his telekinesis to break free from the shackles while Larry picked the lock. After a while, Larry was able to pick the lock while Edge broke free from the shackles. "Okay so now we go and find the others," Roland said. The Wild Boys walked through the dungeon and managed to find Marc's cell.

"Marc, are you alright over there?" Paul asked. "Yeah, not exactly a soft cell here though," Marc said with a weak smirk due to being beaten up. "Enough with the jokes, we're getting out of here, try to use your telekinesis to break free from the chains," Larry said as he began to use his strings to pick the lock. After a while, Marc broke free from the shackles and was able to get out of his cell. "Geez, that was close," Marc said after leaving his cell. "Now we have to find the others," Larry said. "Speaking of which," Mart said, upon finding David's cell. Although he wasn't on shackles, his wheelchair was locked. "David, are you alright over there?" Marc asked, worried about his friend that helped him during his teenage years. "Yeah, I'm good, not as beaten up as you guys except... my wheelchair is locked," David said, pointing at the locks on his wheelchair.

This immediately gave Larry an idea. "Jim, create a tool so that we could break the wheel locks, I'll work on picking the lock," Larry said, activating his strings. Jim nodded and began focusing on creating a bolt cutter for the wheel lock. "Come on Jim, you got this," Charlie encouraged. After a while, Jim was able to create a bolt cutter with his powers, this time, it's perfect. "I did it," Jim said, impressed with his progress. "Thanks Jim," Nicky said as soon as Jim gave him the bolt cutter. "Okay, I'm now finished with the lock picking, Nicky, use the bolt cutter to break the wheel lock," Larry said. Nicky entered the cell and began working on breaking the wheel lock. "Okay so, I need to try not to break the wheels because you'll need your wheelchair, right?" Nicky asked.

"Right," David said as he waited for Nicky to break the wheel lock. "Are you on shackles though?" Nicky asked. David then showed his wrists, they weren't attached to anything. "Okay, good, we're almost done." Nicky managed to get rid of the wheel lock and then wheeled David out of his cell. "Finally, I'm out of this crappy cell," David said. "You're welcome, now let's find the others," Nicky said. That's when the Wild Boys reached Tony's cell. "Tony?" Paul asked, noticing Tony's beaten up form tethered to shackles. "Hi," Tony said with a small smile. "Are you alright there Tony?" John asked, concerned. Tony just gave a weak thumbs up even though he was beaten up and tethered to shackles. "I'll try to get you out, hold on, Nicky, prepare the bolt cutter," Larry said.

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