Chapter 2: A Man Could Get Lost

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Curt woke up in an unknown place, still in his casual clothes but in shackles. He didn't know where he was and all he knew was that this place isn't in good condition. He was beaten and bruised, blood was already seeping through his shirt. He could develop sepsis at this point which is dangerous for someone like him because he is suffering from pulmonary fibrosis. "Hello?" Curt yelled out, trying to find some noise from his teammates. Just then, he heard footsteps approaching his cell, it was Larry. "Hey Curt," Larry said. "Larry, how did you get out?" Curt asked. "Oh erm... I used my strings to unlock the bars and then used my telekinesis to break free from the shackles," Larry explained. "Ohh," Curt said. "Maybe you should try it," Larry said with a smile.

Curt used his telekinesis to break free from the shackles while Larry unlocked the bars with his strings. "It wasn't that hard," Curt said. "Now come on, we have to free the others," Larry said. Roland woke up, feeling disoriented and realised he was in jail. He had shackles attached to his wrists and ankles. Curt and Larry managed to find Roland's cell. "Roland?" Curt asked. "Curt, how did you get out of your cell? Same for you, Larry," Roland asked. "Well, Curt used his telekinesis to free himself from the shackles while I used my telekinesis strings to pick the lock," Larry said. This gave Roland an idea so he used his pyrokinesis to free himself from the shackles. "This seems pretty easy," Roland said. "Great, also I picked the lock for you so we're good to go," Larry said as he opened the door.

Roland got out of the prison cell as the trio tried to find the rest of their team. "Seems like we all got beaten up," Larry said, noting the blood covering everyone's bodies. They managed to find George in his own cell. "Curt? Roland? Larry?" George asked, trying to make up what just happened. He was also beaten up and bruised. "We're going to get you out of here," Curt said. "Yeah, we don't look so good and we could develop sepsis in this condition," Roland said. "Right, erm, how will you get me out of this?" George asked. "Use your telekinesis to break out of the shackles, I'll try to pick the lock on this door," Larry said, using his strings to do so. George tried his best to telekinetically break out of the shackles and it worked. "Glad this worked," George said.

"Now come on, we got to find the others," Curt said. They continued walking through the dungeon and managed to find Andrew (Ridgeley). "Andy, are you alright there?" George asked, referring to him by his nickname. "A bit beaten up but I'm okay, Yog," Andrew (Ridgeley) said. "We'll get you out of here, use your telekinesis to break free from the shackles while I take care of the door," Larry said. Andrew (Ridgeley) did as told and was able to be free from the shackles. "Can't believe I was able to do that," Andrew (Ridgeley) said. "We have more people to find, come on," Curt said. They soon found Dave just adjacent to Andrew (Ridgeley). "Dave, are you alright there?" Curt asked. "A bit beaten up but I'm okay," Dave said. "Good, I'll help get you out, just use your telekinesis to free yourself from the shackles," Larry said.

Dave did as told before he broke free from the shackles and Larry picked the lock. "Well done, Dave," Larry said as Dave went out of the cell. "Where's Mart?" Dave asked. "We'll go and find him, come on," Roland said. The Wild Boys walked through the dungeon and found Mart, beaten and bruised like everyone else. "Mart, are you alright over there?" Dave asked. "I dunno, Dave, I'm pretty much beaten up," Mart said. "Use your telekinesis to free yourself from the shackles, I'll try and pick the lock," Larry said as he used his strings to pick the lock while Mart broke himself free from the chains. "That's it, Mart, you're free," Dave said. "Well, thanks Larry," Mart said as he went out of his cell. "No problem, now let's find the others," Larry said as he led the way.

They managed to find Fletch's cell just right across Mart's cell. "Fletch?" Mart called out. "Guys, what just happened?" Fletch asked, disorientated and beaten up. "I have no idea, man," Curt said. "We'll get you out, Fletch, I'll go on and pick the lock, use your telekinesis to free yourself from the shackles," Larry said. Fletch, although disorientated, did as told and broke free from the shackles. Larry was able to pick the lock allowing Fletch to get out of his cell. "Where's Alan?" Fletch asked. "I'd say he's over there," Curt said, pointing at another cell. His hearing aids enable him to hear the cries of fellow Wild Boys while he is partially deaf. "Alan, you alright?" Fletch asked in concern as he went up to Alan's cell. "I'm okay Fletch, a bit beaten up but I'm okay," Alan said.

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