Chapter 6: Wild Is The Wind

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And that's when Stephen managed to find his girlfriend, Gillian, in her cell. "Guys, my girlfriend is in there," Stephen said, guiding the Wild Boys towards Gillian's cell. "Hey guys," Gillian said with a weak smirk. "Gillian, thank goodness you're okay," Stephen said, relieved. "Do not worry, Larry and Nicky will save you, just hold on," Bernard said. Larry began picking the lock before Nicky used the bolt cutter to cut the shackles. "How in the world can he cut shackles with this?" Gillian asked. Everyone else just shrugged but Nicky managed to destroy the shackles. "There you go," Nicky said, helping Gillian up. The first thing Gillian did is hug her boyfriend, Stephen. "I'm glad you're okay, love," Stephen said. "You lovebirds, my girl is over there," Kim said, pointing towards Siobhan's cell.

"Siobhan!" Sarah yelled out before she went up to her cell, followed by the rest of the Wild Boys and the crew. "Girl, are you okay?" Keren asked. Siobhan just nodded even though she was beaten up and bruised like the others. "Siobhan, we'll get you out," Larry said as he began using his powers to pick the lock. "Lad, what are you doing?" Siobhan asked. "Picking the lock," Larry said. "With strings?" Siobhan asked. "Actually, I can manipulate my strings and turn them into tools to pick the lock," Larry said as he managed to unlock the cell door. This enabled Nicky to get in and break the shackles. "There you go, Siobhan, you're free," Nicky said, helping Siobhan up. "Guys, I found my girl over there," Pål said after he found Nena's cell. The Wild Boys and the crew headed towards Nena's cell. Nena was badly bruised and beaten up like the other Wild Boys.

"Nena, you alright?" Pål asked in concern. "I'm okay, love, except I need help," Nena said. "Don't worry, Larry and Nicky can help you," Pål said. Larry began picking the lock before Nicky came in to break the shackles. "What's that you're holding?" Nena asked, curiously. "Bolt cutters," Nicky answered as he managed to set Nena free. "Thanks, Nicky," Nena said as she ran up to Pål. "Is that all?" Mr McCartney asked. "Paul, the Americans and a Canadian are missing," Mr Tennant said. "I think I found one," Ms Harry said as she found Jon's cell. Jon was badly beaten up and chained in shackles. "Jon, you alright?" Curt asked. Jon just looked up weakly and smiled a little bit. "Don't worry, we'll get you out," Larry said as he began picking the lock. "Is it going to take long?" Jon asked, trying hard to patiently wait.

"Picking the lock takes focus, Jon," Larry said before he finally picked the lock. Nicky is now able to get in and break the shackles. "How can you do that?" Jon asked curiously. Nicky didn't answer and just helped Jon up so that they could leave the cell. "Now what?" Paul asked. "Oh yeah, my guy's over there," Jon said, gesturing towards Bryan's cell. Bryan is notably weakened, cuts and bruises adorned him and he is pale. His insulin is running low, it seems like his insulin pump broke. "Bryan, you alright?" John asked. Bryan weakly shook his head, winced as he felt pain in his head. He also felt nauseous. "We have to make this urgent," Hutch said as he used his telekinetic strength to break open the cell door. This enabled Nicky to get in and break the shackles.

"Get me a syringe with insulin," Nicky said. "I remembered Bryan has celiac so I only brought his epi-pen," Jon said, bringing out an epi-pen. "Oh come on, wait a second," Nicky said as he reached for his pockets revealing a vial of insulin. "We need to refill your pump," Nicky said, taking out Bryan's insulin pump and began refilling it along with changing the batteries. Thanks to Jim's powers, he was able to get the batteries. "There you go," Nicky said. It took a while before Bryan was able to regain his strength. Jon wasted no time but to go up to Bryan and hug him. "Are you alright?" Jon asked in concern. Bryan nodded and managed to stand up. Nicky, Jon and Bryan headed out of the cell. "Hutch, you did a great job," Nicky said. "Thank you," Hutch said as the Wild Boys and the crew continued on through the dungeon.

That's when Martin spotted Richard in his cell. "Richard, you alright?" Martin asked upon running up to his cell. "Yeah, I'm okay, a bit beaten up," Richard said as the other Wild Boys and the crew ran up to him. "I'll get you out, don't worry," Larry said as he began picking the lock. "Do strings literally help with picking locks?" Richard asked, impatiently. "I can manipulate strings, also can't you let me focus?" Larry asked, blankly. After Larry unlocked the door, Nicky went in to break the shackles. "Thank goodness, I'm free now," Richard said upon standing up. "Now, let's get out of here," Nicky said. That's when Kate managed to find Maddy's cell. "Guys, I found my girl's cell, follow me," Kate said, prompting the Wild Boys to follow her. "Maddy, are you okay?" Kim asked.

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