Chapter 7: Memorial Beach

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The Wild Boys and the crew made it to the halls leading towards the main office. "Wow, the hallway is pretty long," Ms Harry said. "It's very long and eerie, but just hold on to each other, we'll reach the office in no time," Henry said as he guided everyone through the halls. The halls were very eerie and it's already freaking the Wild Boys out. "Wild Boys, are you with me?" Bob asked. The Wild Boys nodded as they continued to walk. That's when Andy clumsily tripped onto something. "Andy!" Martin angrily whisper-shouted before everyone shushed him. "The IRA might hear us," Gary (Kemp) said. "Right, sorry," Martin said before John gave Simon to Hutch and went up to Andy. "What did you trip on, mate?" John asked, helping Andy up. Andy then picked up the object that he tripped on.

"Let me check it out," Jon said as he began using his powers to identify the object. "What's that?" Nicky asked. "It looks like something that can unveil lasers," Jon said, giving the device to Nicky. Nicky used the device and it turns out, there were lasers in the halls. "Man, how can we get through?" Bryan asked. "I got this, Hutch, lay me down and Chris, try and heal me," Simon said. Hutch placed Simon down as he closed his eyes while Chris began healing him. "What is he doing?" Morten asked. That's when Simon's spirit came out. "Okay, now I need to get to the other side just to turn off the lasers," Simon said. "Please hurry, I don't think I have enough power to heal you," Chris said. Simon nodded as he zoomed all the way towards the end of the halls.

"He has astral projection so that's why he can do that," Nicky explained while holding on to the device. Simon was flying through the halls, keeping watch in case any IRA guard showed up. While doing so, he saw a lot of ghosts of people who were killed during the Troubles. "Great, this is so creepy," Simon said before hearing voices of many different ghosts. "Oh, an Englishman," one said. "Remember Derry?" Another one asked. Simon was unaware about Derry, he didn't even know what's been going on the previous years since he never paid attention in history. But then he remembered what Bono was chatting about when he wrote a poem about the Bloody Sunday massacre. When people from the British army shot civilians in Derry, Northern Ireland in 1972.

This led to the IRA gaining more and more support even though they were a terrorist group. "So this must be what Bono's been writing about," Simon said to himself. That's when a ghost punched him. "Oi! Get away from here you English pig, you're probably part of that army who killed my family who were attending church in Derry," another ghost said, probably a teenage boy. He knew firsthand that there were some Irishmen who were biased towards the English after the incident and supported the IRA. But because of his friendship with Bono, Larry, Siobhan and Bob, he couldn't bring himself to think that all Irishmen are bad. Not to mention, not all Irishmen support either side, whether it's the IRA, Ulster Loyalist or the British army.

"How many times have I been punched in my own life?" Simon asked before he put himself together and continued flying through the halls. He had been punched multiple times during his early sober days while attending Basildon Academy. Especially by Hutch at one point before he was friends with Bono. Along the way, he witnessed more ghosts floating in many different directions. A ghost of a little Irish girl then tugged Simon's trousers. "Excuse me mister, have you seen my mama and papa?" The little girl asked. "I haven't, kiddo, I'm sorry," Simon said before the girl disappeared. He felt bad for the little girl, she died at a very young age because of the Troubles. Simon continued on walking through the halls as he saw more and more ghosts.

Eventually, he found the controls at the edge of the hallways just near the office. "Great, this hallway must be this long," Simon said before he tried to work on the controls. He managed to turn off the lasers and then he zoomed back to his body. Simon soon woke up and noticed that his wound was partially healed but because his shirt was white with black stripes, there was still a lot of blood visible to the eye. "Simon, are you alright?" Hutch asked. Simon did notice there were specks of blood on Hutch's white shirt. "I'm alright, thanks, I turned off the lasers Nicky, why don't you check with that thing?" Simon asked. Nicky nodded and checked if he could detect lasers using the device Andy tripped over. Turns out, there were no more lasers so that means everyone is safe.

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